Joy-Anna Duggar is expecting her second child, a girl, next month. As seen on her social media accounts, the star of TLC’s Counting On has spent the past few weeks getting ready for her new little one arriving soon. In addition, she celebrated the upcoming arrival with a baby shower thrown together by a few members of her family a few weeks ago.
A few photos were shared on the family’s Instagram account Monday. They were all gathered around Joy-Anna and her husband, Austin Forsyth, in a celebration of their daughter on the way. Her bulging belly was front and center as the white floral dress she wore for her special event snugly hugged her growing bump.
The pregnant reality star also sported an over-sized olive green sweater that was trimmed in matching lace. The garment hung below the length of her dress. She completed the ensemble with a pair of tan slider sandals. Joy-Anna’s long brunette hair cascaded down her shoulders with soft curls applied to the ends.
Her husband opted for more casual attire. He wore light blue shorts, a T-shirt that was a darker color of blue, and grey sneakers. In one of the snapshots, the couple posed together with Austin cradling his wife’s tummy. They stood in front of a table that had a pretty bouquet of flowers in a vase sitting on it and a huge array of balloons in various sizes and colors.
The remaining four pictures consisted of the rest of the female members of the Duggar clan, including Jill Dillard. She seems to have recently been included in family events held outside of the Duggar house and fans were happy about that, as seen in the comment section. They were also thrilled that Joy-Anna and the baby are healthy after a heartbreaking miscarriage last year.
“So many blessings to you Joy for this new tiny miracle,” said an Instagram follower.
“Joy looks beautiful,” remarked another fan.
“And Jinger’s baby makes 19…. as many grandkids as kids,” someone else observed.
“Yay. I just love those 2, so excited and can not wait to see the pics,” a fourth fan said, with heart face emojis included.
In addition, Carlin Bates of the reality show, Bringing Up Bates , was also on the guest list.
Just a few days ago, Joy-Anna gave an update on her pregnancy, which is now 36 weeks along. She recently took her camera into her last doctor’s appointment to make sure everything was going as it should. At the end of the video, she and Austin gave their fans the good news that their little girl appears to be healthy and growing just as she should be.