Bernie Sanders ‘ 2020 presidential campaign co-chair, Nina Turner, recently spoke to The Atlantic about the current presidential choices — Donald Trump and Joe Biden .
“It’s like saying to somebody, ‘You have a bowl of sh*t in front of you, and all you’ve got to do is eat half of it instead of the whole thing,” she said. “It’s still sh*t.”
Turner has been outspoken about her distaste for Biden’s platform and career in the past. In an op-ed for The State in January, she accused the Democrat of repeatedly letting down African Americans. Turner pointed to the former vice president’s Senate career and his decision not just to compromise with segregationists but to fight for their cause. She then highlighted Sanders’ senatorial history of organizing civil rights protests and attempts to push an eduction plan that would tackle racial segregation.
Turner also compared Biden and Sanders’ approach to the economy and noted Biden’s repeated work with Republicans in the Senate to slash Social Security — a program that the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare claims the majority of African American beneficiaries rely on for at least 50 percent of their income. Conversely, she noted that Sanders spent his career in the Senate blocking such cuts and also proposing expansions to the social insurance program.
The former Sanders campaign official concluded her piece by calling for voters to support Sanders over Biden to ensure that the United States doesn’t move “backward” and instead moves “forward” towards a future that guarantees “empowerment and equality for all.”
Biden has claimed he will select a woman for his 2020 running mate. During an appearance on The Hill’s Rising , Turner argued that he must prioritize selecting a progressive vice president as opposed to a woman of color — the latter of which some have suggested is the best course of action.
“It is high time in this country, absolutely, that there is more color at the top. But color for the sake of color when you’re going to continue to do the same things does not change the material conditions of the lives of the people in this country.”
Despite Turner’s apparent dislike of Biden’s political career and presidential proposals, Sanders has thrown his support behind the lifelong politician. As The Inquisitr reported, Sanders said Biden understands the severity of the current moment, when America is facing a pandemic, climate change, and massive job loss. The pair are also working together on a platform that will be unveiled at the Democratic National Convention.