Democrats Are ‘Feeding On Despair’ Amid Coronavirus Pandemic & Civil Unrest, Journalist Says

In a Friday piece for Breitbart, journalist Charles Hurt took aim at Washington Democrats, who he compared to rats that are “feeding on despair” amid the coronavirus pandemic.

“Rats feed off of clutter, thrive in confusion, cherish mayhem and reign over chaos,” he wrote. “They are Masters of the Swamp.”

The Fox News contributor pointed in particular to the Democratic Party’s push for mail-in voting in November — an effort that has been consistently opposed by Republicans who believe it will compromise the integrity of the election.

“Turns out, Democrats only care about election ‘interference’ when they are peddling elaborate lies about how such mythical interference hurt them. Ever adaptable, Democrats quickly evolved from fretting over rigged elections to openly supporting widespread corruption of elections.”

Critics have accused Republicans of attempting to suppress votes by opposing mail-in ballots. Political commentator Richard North claimed that Donald Trump’s only strategy to win in November is to suppress voters who support his rival, Joe Biden. Notably, critics pointed to Trump’s apparent admission that vote-by-mail would increase voting to levels that would prevent a Republican victory.

Nevertheless, Hurt argued that relying on the U.S. Postal Service will lead to stolen, lost, or mishandled ballots, and pointed to the New York Democratic primary, which still has some races that remain unsettled.

Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-DE), Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) and other Congressional Democrats hold a rally and news conference ahead of a House vote on health care and prescription drug legislation in the Rayburn Room at the U.S. Capitol May 15, 2019 in Washington, DC.

The Breitbart contributor also turned his attention to the looting and riots that have been taking place across America amid the civil unrest sparked from George Floyd’s death, which came on the heels of the coronavirus pandemic.

“But never do rats thrive more lustily than during a full-blown pandemic. Nearly 150,000 Americans have already died in this once-in-a-century plague from China. The nation is truly at war against an invisible enemy.”

According to the 49-year-old commentator, Democrats in Washington are using the current crises in the country to “pillage” for “personal political profit.”

As reported by RealClearPolitics, New Jersey recently had its first all-mail vote, which was allegedly mired with problems. Notably, one in five ballots were rejected, and four men have been charged with criminal election fraud related to the debacle.

Democrats point to data that suggests there is no evidence that mail-in voting is susceptible to widespread voter fraud. However, as The Inquisitr reported, University of Florida political scientist Michael McDonald warned that thousands to millions of votes could go uncounted in November due to human error. One common issue related to human error is inconsistent signature matching rules, as well as the absence of a signature altogether.

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