Diamond Dallas Page took to his YouTube channel this week to detail his experience with the coronavirus.
The WWE Hall of Famer revealed to Wrestling Inc that he and his family members had a run-in with the illness. He also said that AEW’s QT Marshall recently tested positive.
According to DDP, his family was exposed to the disease after his girlfriend, Paige, and daughter, Britney, came home from a wedding displaying symptoms of the illness. Over the following few days, he started showing signs of it as well.
“I started feeling super weak. Trying to sleep was like next to impossible. I felt like Big Show had a hold on my back. It was so painful. And this went on for days. I was dreading going to bed because that’s where I would have the most pain in my back. But Paige, she was going through something completely different than I was. I don’t even think I ever got a fever over 99. Hers was up to 102.4 a bunch of different times.”
DDP went on to say that he tested negative in the end, while Paige tested positive. During the video, DDP said it took nine days before they heard back from the doctors about their tests. He also discussed how difficult it was for them to get tested.
DDP also discussed how he called up Marshall to share his experience with the AEW star. Marshall had left DDP a message in which he shared the news of his own diagnosis with COVID-19. During their call, the AEW star told Marshall all about his own experience with the illness — which he contracted over 20 days ago — and how his wife had tested negative.
Marshall is one of several wrestlers in the industry to test positive for COVID-19. As The Inquisitr reported earlier this week, former WWE superstar Rusev opened up about his experience with the illness. Last week, it was also reported that over 30 WWE in-ring talents and backstage employees are in a similar boat.
The purpose of DDP’s video was to encourage people to wear face masks. The Hall of Famer said that he took a more casual approach to COVID-19 until it directly affected his loved ones. He doesn’t want anyone else to have a similar experience.
He signed off by telling his fans to keep wearing masks, social distance and be kind to each other through these trying times.