A woman identified as Melissa Rein Lively has been captured in a bizarre video destroying a face mask display at a Target store in Arizona . Posted to YouTube , the video of the incident has since gone viral, and Lively has been dubbed the latest “Karen” to cause a scene in public, according to The New York Post .
The incident began as Lively recorded herself pulling face masks from the display one by one and throwing them to the ground while shouting and cursing. Shortly after, two female Target employees approached her and tried to get her to stop. She refused and then began a confusing rant.
“So, Target, I’m not playing any more f*cking games. This sh*t is f*cking over. Why? You let everybody else do it … I can’t do it because I’m a blond white woman? That’s wearing a f*cking $40,000 Rolex,” she yelled.
As the video continues, a Target employee could be heard telling Lively to calm down so she would not scare other people in the store. Lively again apparently refused. It is not clear how the incident at the store concluded or if she left the building prior to law enforcement arriving.
However, there is a second YouTube video taken from Lively’s garage in which she was the one filming while talking to police officers after they tracked her down. The woman was ranting about various political issues and Donald Trump as the police officers appeared confused. At one point, she even suggested she was sent by a higher power, seemingly saying she was a representative from the White House and could not divulge “classified information.”
“I was hired to be the QAnon spokesperson,” she added.
“You’re a spokesperson, correct? … I think we have enough here,” responds an officer.
Lively was asked to turn around so that she could be handcuffed, and she ostensibly continued her strange rant.
“You’re doing this to me ’cause I’m Jewish,” she said, speaking about other various conspiracy theories.
The recording then stopped and it is unclear whether Lively was taken to jail or if she will face any legal consequences.
As The Inquisitr previously reported, this is only the latest “Karen” video in which a white woman made a scene about face masks. In a recent viral video filmed at a Trader Joe’s, a woman did not want to comply with the store’s policy regarding requiring face masks. She threw her shopping basket down while cursing at employees and customers at the store.