Director Joss Whedon has been in hot water with DC Comics fans for some time now, but things have only gotten worse after Justice League actor Ray Fisher claimed he was “abusive” on-set . Superhero fanatic and director Kevin Smith is now speaking out about things he heard concerning Whedon’s behavior on set, which seem to back Fisher’s claims.
“Joss Wheadon’s [sic] on-set treatment of the cast and crew of Justice League was gross, abusive, unprofessional, and completely unacceptable. He was enabled, in many ways, by Geoff Johns and Jon Berg. Accountability>Entertainment,” Fisher originally wrote earlier this week.
The actor also recanted a statement he made about Whedon being a good guy at a San Diego Comic-Con event, but has stayed silent on the matter ever since.
On Smith’s FatMan Beyond show — which is available to view on YouTube — the Mall Rats director remembered a conversation he had with a friend on the set of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker .
“Remember when I went to the Skywalker set, some people had worked on both versions of Solo and both versions of Justice League . The special effects guy said there was a fair amount of trashing Zack’s version of the movie on set by Joss… that [Whedon] would cut down, dismiss, and be negative about Zack’s version, which he had seen and all these people had made together without him.”
Smith and his cohost Marc Bernardin debated the timing of Fisher’s comments, suggested he was probably tired of keeping these sentiments in and was ready to unleash. The duo thought it might have something to do with Zack Snyder announcing his original film would finally hit screens next year. Fans of Snyder were overjoyed when it was revealed that The Snyder Cut of Justice League found a home on HBO Max and will start streaming in 2021. Since Whedon’s version was not well-received by fans and critics alike, thousands called for The Snyder Cut to be released and supported the visionary director the whole way.
The FatMan Beyond hosts broke down Fisher’s two tweets word by word, especially focusing on the words “gross” and “abusive,” which they felt was not a physical thing but more verbal. Both men did admit they were not on the Justice League set, so everything is just hearsay.
At this time, no other actors from Justice League have spoken out against Whedon in the wake of Fisher’s claims.