A Monday report from Breitbart claims that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden might face “serious issues” with his reported enthusiasm gap among Democratic voters. In particular, the report points to a memo released by Donald Trump’s deputy campaign manager, Bill Stepien, in which he argued that the president is in a better position than Biden.
Despite a recent slew of polls that put Trump in an unfavorable position, Stepien pointed to Trump’s “historic support” within the Republican Party, which he contrasts to Biden, who he says has yet to “inspire or coalesce” the Democratic base. In particular, Stepien noted Trump’s record-breaking support in the 2020 Republican primary elections compared to recent incumbent presidents — notably Barack Obama and George W. Bush .
“In many cases, President Trump received two- or three-times Obama’s totals,” the memo reads.
“President Trump has also received more votes than President George W. Bush when he was seeking re-election in 2004.”
As Breitbart noted, a CNN survey from earlier this month found that 70 percent of voters supporting Trump were doing so out of support for his record, while 27 percent claimed their vote was motivated by their disdain for Biden. Conversely, only 37 percent of Biden’s supporters were backing him for his record, and 60 percent said they were doing so in opposition to Trump.
The memo also notes that Biden was unable to gain more than 85 percent of the vote in the 18 states — and District of Columbia — that have held primaries since Bernie Sanders dropped from the race in April.
“Overall, the results bode even worse when compared to Trump’s performance in the state’s Republican primary. While the president was also uncontested, with former governor Bill Weld having dropped out in March, Trump received more than 93 percent of the GOP vote.”
According to the memo, these results are “not encouraging.”
“In primary after primary, an alarming number of Democrat voters have cast votes for someone other than their own party’s presumed nominee,” it reads.
Although Trump’s polling position has led to speculation that he will drop from the race, a recent poll showed him 1 percentage point ahead of Biden in the battleground state of Wisconsin. The survey was conducted by Trafalgar Group, which was one of the only firms to predict Trump’s win against Hillary Clinton in 2016.
Still, other reports suggest Biden’s strategy of remaining out of the spotlight and letting Trump damage his standing is effective. Not only is the former vice president leading in the polls, but he also outraised Trump in May and managed to spend significantly less due to his time off the campaign trail.