On Sunday, The Washington Times reported that Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s “basement-dwelling strategy” appears to be working. The publication pointed to Biden’s improving polling position against President Donald Trump . In addition, the report noted that while voters remain unenthusiastic about Biden, a recent New York Times poll revealed that 50 percent of American voters surveyed held an unfavorable view of Trump.
T.J. Bucholz, a Michigan-based Democratic strategist, compared the Democratic Party’s strategy to Napoleon Bonaparte.
“I think Napoleon Bonaparte once said it: Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake. That is the Democratic strategy right now.”
Nevertheless, as reported by U.S. News & World Report , Biden could still face trouble due to the lack of enthusiasm around his candidacy. Although Biden currently holds a double-digit lead over Trump, the publication notes that turnout will be a significant factor in his chances in November. Worryingly for Biden, a recent CNN poll showed Trump with a more enthusiastic fan base.
Outside of polling, The Washington Times also pointed to Biden’s finances as a factor in the Democrats’ strategy.
“It’s not just polling that suggests the Democratic strategy is working,” the report reads. “Mr. Biden has started to eat away at the massive cash advantage that Mr. Trump carried into the year.”
Notably, Biden raised $36 million in May, which is $11 million more than Trump, who raised $25 million. According to an analysis from the Center for Responsive Politics, this marked the first time this year that Biden outraised Trump in one month. In addition, Biden’s strategy of remaining out of the public eye means he spent approximately $11 million of his haul, while Trump spent nearly all of his earnings.
Despite warning signs for Trump, some Republican operatives are hopeful. Dee Stewart, a North Carolina-based Republican Party consultant, claims that Trump still has time to turn things around before November.
“So I think what you are going to see is the presidential race get much closer, and I think once voters are faced with a choice between two candidates, it is going to be neck and neck all the way through to November.”
Last month, columnist Matt Lewis predicted that Trump is going to lose the Republican Party both the presidency and Senate in November. He pointed to the Democratic expansion of the Senate map in combination with recent polling at the time that put Trump behind Biden ?— a pattern that has continued since then.