The Real Housewives of New York star Dorinda Medley is speaking out against Queer Eye designer Bobby Berk for allegations he made this month regarding a reality star from her show. As The Inquisitr previously reported, Bobby alleged that an RHONY cast member stole from him several years ago after a business deal went very wrong. Dorinda has caught wind of the story, and she spoke out about the allegations on the Chanel in The City podcast, which was made available on YouTube .
“What’s the point? Where are we going with this?” Dorinda asked of Bobby’s intentions. “The timing’s terrible. Here’s the thing, say who it is or don’t say it at all. I don’t do riddles, okay? Say who it is […] because then you’re painting the picture very wide of on a lot of Housewives and I think it’s putting a negative sort of tone on Housewives . I don’t fire sideways, I fire straight.”
Bobby still has not named the mysterious housewife who he claimed stole from him. The culprit allegedly went into his store and took items and left a credit card that was declined when he wasn’t present. He did not clarify if this woman was a current or past cast member either. After some digging, fans began speculating the alleged thief was Aviva Drescher , who has been retired from the series for several seasons now. Bobby had tweeted about Aviva and her husband being con artists in the past.
The anonymity of the supposed thief seemed to bother Dorinda the most.
“It’s tacky and you know what? Five minutes of fame; hope you got it, hope you liked it, let’s keep it moving,” she continued.
Dorinda then suggested that Bobby tell a story about her so she could respond by saying if it was the truth or not. She used the example of people calling her out for being “a b*tch” this season, to which she said she was, and apologized for it.
Bobby, who is a massive success story in the design world, has seen much more than five minutes of fame, especially given that he is one of the stars on a hit Netflix show.
Dorinda, who is having a tough season this year on RHONY , began to get some hate on Twitter after her interview slamming Bobby circulated. Whether Bobby will eventually name the mystery woman remains to be seen, but it’s unlikely Dorinda’s comments are going to be the ones that make him point the finger.