SPOILER ALERT: This article discusses Season 3 of Netflix’s Dark . Please proceed with caution if you wish to avoid potential spoilers.
As previously reported by The Inquisitr , the creator of Netflix’s Dark recently dropped an intriguing post on one of his social media accounts. Hinting that further news would arrive in 19 hours, fans of the hit German-language time-traveling series waited patiently. Now, that time is up, and Baran bo Odar has released a new trailer for Season 3 on his Instagram account.
There had been plenty of speculation among the fanbase in the time between bo Odar’s original post and the new Season 3 trailer dropping. While many viewers suspected the end of the countdown would lead to a new sneak peek ahead of the premiere date on June 27, others wondered if key artwork or even an earlier airdate would drop.
The trailer does tend to rehash a lot of what previously happened on the TV series, giving viewers a chance to catch up on the complicated storyline if they had not already done so by rewatching the series. There was some new content revealed, though.
At the end of Season 2, it was revealed that the characters were not only dealing with when in time they were, but also in which universe. Season 3 appears to continue with this concept, showing the alternative version of Martha (Lisa Vicari) as she travels with Jonas (Louis Hofmann) through both different times and places as they try to change their fates.
There is a definite emphasis on the fact that everything is connected during the clip, which runs for two-and-a-half minutes. In addition, the common catchphrase from the series — that the end is also the beginning — can also be heard during the clip.
The idea of the two warring factions is also explored, a theme that has existed throughout the entire series so far and it looks like it will come to a head in Season 3.
The new trailer has given fans the opportunity to ponder a lot of new information before the new season premieres in a little over a week. However, as stated by the show’s creator after Season 2 dropped last year, not everything will be answered.
“I’m still not sure about the percentage, but it’s probably 10 percent [of the mysteries] we are not going to answer just for the fun of it,” bo Odar said.
He also revealed that it would be “funnier” that way.