Ivanka Trump and Melania Trump allegedly have a frosty relationship that Donald Trump is forced to mediate, according to biographer author Mary Jordan. The Pulitzer-prize winning writer spoke with CNN’s Alisyn Camerota on Tuesday, where she revealed new details about the relationship between the first lady and the president’s eldest daughter.
“Let’s talk about her relationship with Ivanka, because much has been speculated about that as well,” Camerota said.
“You write, Melania has been heard calling Ivanka ‘the princess’ out of earshot. When she was younger, Ivanka privately called Melania ‘the portrait,’ telling classmates that her father’s girlfriend spoke as much as a painting on the wall. Do they have as frosty a relationship as has been reported?”
Jordan replied that it was indeed a strained relationship. The two have different backgrounds but are close in age. They don’t always get along and the president is often forced to step in between the two, Jordan claims.
“There’s a lot of tension there,” Jordan said.
This friction has apparently created factions within the first family from time to time.
“By all accounts, I spoke to many people and, inside the White House, particularly at certain times, tense times, there’s been Team Melania and Team Ivanka,” Jordan said.
Part of this dynamic is recounted in Jordan’s new book, The Art of Her Deal: The Untold Story of Melania Trump. In it, she claims that the so-called first daughter wanted to turn the office used by the first lady into the “first family” office. While the new first lady stayed back in New York, Trump’s eldest daughter wanted to make her presence known in the East Wing.
But as Jordan writes, Trump wasn’t having it. She reportedly told her stepdaughter that it would remain the “First Lady’s Office,” as The Inquisitr reported.
While the book tackles the relationship between Trump and her stepdaughter, it also tackles that between her and the president.
Trump and his wife have an enigmatic relationship, leaving outsiders wondering about their dynamic. Some reports have suggested that Trump craves his partner’s approval and that he was “frightened” to confront her after the infamous Access Hollywood tape was made public.
Jordan says that the president and the first lady have been married for 22 years and that Trump isn’t known as the easiest person to get along with. The couple spends plenty of time apart, but he seems to trust her and she is the first person that he calls after a rally.
The White House has pushed back on the details in the book, calling it “fiction.”