Ivanka Trump reportedly had plans to move into the East Wing of the White House, typically the domain of the First Lady, and turn it into the “First Family’s Office” — until Melania Trump shot down the idea.
A new book detailing the inner workings of the Trump administration and the growing role of Melania Trump claims that President Donald Trump’s eldest daughter once had designs to take on a bigger role in the White House. As The Washington Post noted in an article adapted from the upcoming book The Art of Her Deal: The Untold Story of Melania Trump, Ivanka Trump took advantage of the time that Melania spent in New York City in the months after her father first took office.
Melania continued to live in Trump Tower for several months throughout early and mid-2017, not moving into the White House until after the son she and her husband share, Barron, completed his school year. As the report noted, during that time, Ivanka tried to take on a larger presence in the White House’s East Wing.
“While Melania stayed in New York, Ivanka continued to establish herself in the West Wing, notorious for its cramped and limited working spaces. According to several people, she was eyeing real estate in the East Wing as well, the domain of the first lady,” the report noted.
The report added that Ivanka suggested changing the name from “First Lady’s Office” to “First Family Office,” but Melania put her foot down and would not allow her stepdaughter to break White House tradition.
The report added that the time Melania spent in New York City led many around her to take a deeper appreciation of the role she played in the relationship. While Melania knew that many — especially those in New York City circles — reportedly believed she was a gold digger, they came to see her differently as she was away from her husband.
“As the weeks passed, more people around Trump began to appreciate Melania for what she brought to their relationship,” the report noted. “At least one of Trump’s older children even called her, urging her to spend more time with their dad, telling her that he needed her balance.”
Melania Trump has since taken on a larger role within the White House, planning public events and launching a “Be Best” initiative aimed at promoting positive mental health and online behaviors for children. Ivanka Trump continues to play a major role as a top adviser to her father.