Friday marked a special milestone for former The Young and the Restless star Daniel Goddard, who portrayed Cane Ashby on the show for 12 years. On March 19, Goddard was supposed to take his oath and officially become a United States citizen. However, because of the coronavirus pandemic, the actor was not able to swear his allegiance until today — nearly three months later.
Goddard took to Twitter to give his followers the exciting news about his change in citizenship.
“TODAY… I will stand side by side with my fellow immigrants from all around the world, who came to this incredible country because we all love & believe in America! TODAY… I will say the “Pledge of Allegiance!” TODAY… I will become an American! #GodBlessAmerica,” he tweeted .
The actor’s tweet received nearly 500 likes and dozens of retweets on the popular social media platform. Many fans also took the time to leave Goddard a congratulatory reply.
“Congratulations, that’s wonderful. Enjoy this special day. By the way, I miss you on Y&R ,” replied a viewer.
“So happy for you, Daniel. Now please register to vote. XO,” another fan encouraged, along with several red heart emoji.
“We’re definitely getting the better end of the deal on that one. Congrats, Daniel!” noted a third Twitter user.
Goddard has spoken out several times on social media about how glad he has been to live in the U.S. and expressed how much he loves this country. Even though he wasn’t able to take his official citizenship oath back in March, the actor said that in his heart, he was already an American citizen. He also said that he loves Australia, and always will. However, he appreciated how he has always felt so welcome in the U.S. and had the opportunity to pursue his dreams. For Goddard, becoming a citizen is the realization of one of those dreams.
Although Goddard’s on-screen alter-ego has not been included in storylines since Cane left Genoa City in search of his father Colin (Tristan Rogers), he has been mentioned a few times by Jill (Jess Walton) and Lily (Christel Khalil). However, because the soap opera shut down production in mid-March to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and ran out of new material several weeks after that, viewers have had the chance to see Cane in storylines during the special theme weeks the CBS Daytime drama aired. Friday’s episode featured Cane and Lily’s beautiful second wedding in Frace.