The stars of Duck Dynasty are well known for their famously long hair and beards. However, one member of the family just decided to change things to the point that he is almost unrecognizable. Willie Robertson’s recent hair makeover has totally shocked his family.
On the official Duck Commander YouTube , Willie is seen at the barbershop getting his hair chopped. While his growing beard was trimmed, it was his haircut that marked the most noticeable change. As seen in the video, his locks fell down around his shoulders before his transformation. Most of the time the former reality star wore it tied up in a bandanna. The new hairdo is definitely shorter. The barber shaved the sides as the rest of Willie’s hair dropped to the ground. He appeared to be a little worried for a moment as he blurted out, “oh, boy.” The top was left a little longer than the sides.
The rest of the YouTube video revealed the Robertson family’s reactions to Willie’s new do. His wife, Korie, was the first one to be fooled by his appearance. She was seen getting some takeout at a place called Newk’s Eatery. Willie walked up behind Korie and then around her, but she had no idea who he was. He then followed her out the door and caught up to her right before she got into her car. It took her a long moment before it clicked who was walking up behind her.
Korie gave him a big hug. It looks like she was quite impressed. The Duck Dynasty stars got a good laugh when Willie told her that he was hanging around her for a few minutes in the restaurant without her noticing.
Next up was daughter, Bella Robertson, as Willie walked casually right past her. She finally did a double-take and burst out laughing in shock when she realized who it was.
Willie’s mom, Kay, was then seen in the video chatting with some ladies at a restaurant. When her son walked to the table, she swiftly put her phone down when she recognized him.
Also in on the ambush was Sadie Robertson and her husband, Christian Huff. Sadie thought it was a wig when she first saw her dad’s hair. Willie and Korie’s adopted sons, Rowdy and Will, both were shocked at their dad’s new look as well.
Last month, the Robertson family had a scary incident happen when someone fired quite a few shots at their home in Louisiana. Most of the family, except for Willie, was at home at the time. They were all pretty shook up, but they were thankful that no one was harmed in the drive-by shooting.