Hannah Ferrier, the former chief stewardess of Below Deck Mediterranean, shared some big news on Monday. The reality star announced on Instagram that she is expecting her first child. The announcement came just days after Hannah declared that this season of the hit reality show would be her last.
In a simple post, Hannah was casually standing in a short white dress with her hands around her growing bump. The reality star had a massive smile on her face as she announced the pregnancy.
Hannah shared more details with Bravo’s The Daily Dish . The reality star is five months along in her pregnancy. She described the experience of finding out she was expecting “a little surreal.” Her boyfriend of over a year, Josh, is said to be “over the moon.” Hannah has been very private about her relationship and little is known about Josh besides that he is from Scotland and works in commercial real estate. The couple recently moved into a house together in Sydney, Australia, where Hannah is from.
Hannah teased news about her future just recently. The Inquisitr reported last week that the reality star believed that this season of Below Deck Mediterranean would most likely be her last.
“I think I’m probably done,” Hannah said at the time.
The former chief stewardess mentioned that she wanted “a rugrat or two.”
Hannah and Josh know the gender of the baby, although they won’t be revealing that right now. She told The Daily Dish that she wasn’t a big fan of gender reveal parties, so don’t expect one from the star. Hannah had planned on a “chill” baby shower. The event would be a coed backyard barbecue without games or too much fanfare.
“It’ll just be nice to get together,” Hannah said of her shower.
Hannah is well-prepared for motherhood. Her mother owned a child care facility when the yachtie was younger. The reality star shared that she has “changed many, many nappies.”
Her experience on Below Deck Mediterranean also will come in handy. Sleep deprivation is common for both chief stewardesses and new moms.
“I just cannot see it being any harder or any more sleep deprived than a season of Below Deck Med , that’s for sure.”
The star even recommended yachting as a precursor for motherhood.
“If you ever want training to be a mother, then you should probably go and work on a superyacht for a few years, because I think it’ll be a walk in the park compared to that.”