Fitness model Qimmah Russo took to social media site Instagram on Wednesday, June 3, to post a video of a live workout she performed with her friend Stefany Soto.
For the workout, the fitness trainer wore a pink sports bra with a low neckline that left her sculpted arms, upper back, and toned tummy on display. Qimmah chose a pair of high-waisted leggings for her lower half. The leggings were decorated in shades of gray, black, and pink with floral designs along the waist, backside, and legs. The leggings contoured to the model’s fit figure and showed off her shapely booty and chiseled thighs.
For footwear, Qimmah went with a pair of pink and white sneakers. She wore her dark curls in an up-do to keep her hair from falling in her face during the workout. The trainer appeared to have added a touch of black mascara, eyeliner, eye shadow, and glossy lips.
Qimmah’s workout partner wore a black Nike outfit made up of a sports bra with the name of the activewear brand written in large white lettering across the chest and a pair of booty shorts, also featuring the brand’s logo. Her sneakers were gray in color and she wore her hair styled in a ponytail.
Qimmah explained the objectives of the workout to her 1.5 million followers before beginning the exercises. She told them she was going to put her friend through a crazy leg workout. Qimmah then asked her friend to show off her sculpted quad muscles and ended the introduction by explaining that the two women would perform a warm-up and about five exercises.
The warm-up consisted of six high knees, followed by a burpee, for a total of 10 reps. Qimmah and Stefany then moved into a running exercise for 45 seconds and followed up with a jumping high knee exercise that included raising the knee in front and to the side. The next exercise involved jumping up and down on a low stone wall. One-legged squats on a park bench came after the jumps while the workout finished with walking squats.
In the caption of the post, Qimmah instructed her fans to get outside and work out to release their stress and anxiety. The post earned several thousand likes and dozens of comments within the first day. Many of the model’s followers loved the exercises and wanted to try them out.
“Yes! Love it, such a great quick workout to break a sweat in this beautiful weather! Thank you Qimmah! Best trainer out there,” one Instagram user commented.