Kayla Itsines posted her latest fitness video to the social media platform Instagram on Thursday, May 28. In the video, the fitness trainer showed off her toned physique and taught her 12.5 million followers how to maintain proper form while performing popular exercises.
For the video, Kayla wore a yellow sports bra with spaghetti straps that left much of her upper body exposed. The model showcased her sculpted arms, shoulders, and abdomen. She paired the top with black gym shorts made of a loose-fitting material that extended to the tops of her thighs. The shorts left the length of the trainer’s lean legs on display.
Kayla completed the outfit with a pair of white sneakers and accessorized with a silver exercise watch. She styled her long, brunette tresses up in a high ponytail that trailed down her back. The model appeared to have added a touch of black mascara and lip gloss to make her facial features pop.
The fitness trainer demonstrated the correct and incorrect form for three common exercises in the short video clip. The individual videos were placed side-by-side in the frame, allowing viewers to compare the two forms as they watched. Kayla performed the exercises in an indoor space, using a white chair and a pair of dumbbells for equipment.
The first exercise that Kayla demonstrated was the step-up, using the chair. She advised her followers to place their foot in the middle of the chair — where it is most stable — when they stepped up and to make sure their backs were kept in a neutral position. The second exercise was the squat. Kayla taught her followers to set their feet shoulder-width apart with their toes pointed slightly outwards and to keep their knees in line with their toes as they performed the move.
The final exercise in the series was the bent-over row, using dumbbells. Kayla demonstrated the proper form by keeping her feet shoulder-width apart, bending slightly at the knees, bending over at a 45-degree angle, and keeping their back in a neutral position. The model performed the rows with slow and controlled movements.
In the caption of the post, Kayla told her followers that the common mistakes demonstrated in the video were easy to fix and that all exercises could be practiced and improved at home. She added that there is always room for improvement, whether someone has been training for years or just starting out.
The post earned thousands of likes and several dozen comments within the first hour of appearing on the photo-sharing site.