Nene Leakes isn’t sold on the idea of returning to The Real Housewives of Atlanta for its upcoming, but still not confirmed, 13th season.
During an interview with People Magazine on May 17, Nene said she doesn’t know if she will be back next season and admitted that she’s been going back and forth about her decision daily.
“I feel like it’s a big conversation I need to have with the network and with production. Because if they value their talent in some sort of way, then we need to talk. We need to come up with some sort of compromise here,” she explained.
As Real Housewives of Atlanta fans will recall, Nene was also hesitant to get on board for Season 12 last year and actually missed the first few episodes because she was still in negotiations and not ready to film when her castmates began production.
According to Nene, the time she’s spent in quarantine over the past several weeks has made her appreciate a lot of things about her life, and she’s found herself telling people that she wants to get her life back instead of engaging in continuous and pointless on-screen fights with her co-stars. As she explained, she wants to have the opportunity to move forward, not be forced to rehash the same things over and over again.
Nene went on to suggest that if producers want her to be a part of The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 13, they are going to have to get rid of some of the people who have continued to attack her year after year.
“It’s not okay, sitting and being attacked over and over by the same people about nothing. It stresses me out. I am sensitive, I am. If that’s all these girls have the time to do, then production needs to get some new people on the show,” she said.
As The Inquisitr previously reported, things got so heated between Nene and her co-stars during the Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 12 reunion that she actually stormed off her set, which was located inside of her Atlanta home with none of her co-stars present.
Following the airing of the special, Nene explained her decision to remove herself from the taping to her fans and followers on Instagram , explaining that she walked off because she felt that she was being treated differently than her co-stars as she was repeatedly muted and drilled with questions.