Kayla Itsines took to social media platform Instagram on Friday, May 1, to answer some fan questions about how to maintain good posture. The fitness trainer filmed a short video in which she demonstrated how to correct bad posture while seated.
For the video, Kayla wore a blue sports bra that left her toned tummy exposed and a pair of black gym shorts that ended at her upper thighs and drew the eye to her long, fit legs. She completed the outfit with a pair of white sneakers and a silver exercise watch. Her dark tresses were pulled up in a high ponytail to give viewers an unobstructed view of her posture throughout the video. Kayla also added a bit of black mascara and lip gloss.
Kayla was featured sitting in a black chair that was placed in the middle of an open studio space with wood flooring. She sat with her profile to the camera and looked down at a cell phone that she held at lap level. The fitness trainer showed her 12.5 million followers four ways they could improve their posture and make sure they are sitting correctly.
As the video began, Kayla first raised her arms out in front of her, bringing her cell phone up to eye level. She then tucked her chin down toward her chest, sucked in her belly and tightened her core muscles. Finally, Kayla pulled her shoulders back. The video showed the trainer performing each adjustment slowly and individually, with the specific step written in white as she went through the movements. The video ended with a sped-up version of the adjustments.
In the caption of the video, Kayla explained that she had received many questions on a post she wrote some time ago about how good posture can be beneficial. As a result, she wanted to create a video that would show viewers exactly how to correct their posture with specific cues. She encouraged her fans to imagine a string from the base of their spine pulling their upper body through the top of their head as they adjusted their posture.
Many of the fitness trainer’s followers expressed their gratitude for the quick posture correction video in the comments section of the post.
“Thank you for the beautiful reminder,” one Instagram user commented.
“I love this! It’s a good reminder! Keep doing the best!” another fan encouraged.
“LOVE THIS!!! We need more of this!!” one more follower chimed in.