A criminal attorney named David Oscar Markus believes that the case against Lori Loughlin and her husband Mossimo Giannulli should be thrown out due to circumstances involving potential misconduct on the behalf of prosecutors. He is not personally involved in the case but he believes this so strongly that he even wrote an opinion piece for The Hill to further prove his point.
Markus graduated from Harvard Law and has won numerous awards for his legal work. Thus, he has a wide understanding of what the chances are of a case like this one actually getting thrown out. In his opinion piece, Markus notes that the prosecutors in the Loughlin case have been accused of forcing Rick Singer, the admitted mastermind of the scheme, to lie to his clients. He allegedly had no choice but to mislead them about how their money would be used. Markus pointed out that ironically, if this is true, the prosecutors are the ones that cheated.
“Putting aside whether we really want cheating on a test or lying on a resume to count as a federal crime, we can all agree that prosecutors should not be able to cheat to obtain a conviction — especially in a case about cheating,” he wrote.
Markus went on to say that he believes prosecutors tried to pressure Loughlin into pleading guilty. However, Loughlin was unwavering and did not take a plea deal. Instead, her legal team accused the government of withholding evidence. As a result, they released key witness notes on behalf of Singer. It was then that it appeared that things might not be how they seemed.
“The defense just learned — a year after the charges were brought — that Singer kept notes of his discussions with agents before he recorded his calls. Those notes, it turns out, seem to validate exactly what Loughlin and her husband have been saying all along,” Markus pointed out.
Markus expressed his opinion that if the judge presiding over Loughlin’s case truly wants to send the message to the nation that cheating is wrong and no one should get away with it, he should dismiss the case. He concluded by saying that if the judge simply scolds the prosecutors for allegedly manipulating Singer, then similar misconduct will continue to occur in the coming years.
As The Inquisitr previously reported, last week United States District Judge Nathaniel Gorton responded to the allegations made against prosecutors, calling them “serious and disturbing.” He then called upon federal agents to explain themselves.
If the charges against Loughlin are not dropped, she will face trial in October.