Netflix star Giannina Gibelli showed off her swanky apartment on YouTube, her first place since filming the first season of Love Is Blind. Her ex-fiance and current boyfriend, Damian Powers, also from the popular show, visited her later in the video.
She started the video in her kitchen by thanking Thrive Market, an online grocery subscription service, for sponsoring the video. Gibelli told the camera that “she loves to cook,” but doesn’t want to go to the market for groceries while under quarantine.
Gibelli then showed a bowl of goodies from the subscription service, giving proof that she isn’t letting the coronavirus pandemic keep her from cooking tasty meals.
She poured herself a glass of wine on her marble countertop, surrounded by all-white cabinets.
Giannina continued the tour in her living room and flopped down on her green couch.
She described her living room set as “an old movie.” Gibelli then showed off a sketch hanging above her couch that she commissioned from her friend.
“I like juxtaposition,” Gibelli said of her decor style. “If I have a cool velvet couch, then I’ll have like, a really raw painting just sketched out.”
Giannina then sat in front of her coffee table and told her viewers that she usually eats breakfast in the very spot.
“I actually sit on the floor more than I sit on the couch,” Gibelli declared in the video.
In one of the video’s funniest moments, the camera panned to Giannina’s television in the living room, which had Love Is Blind on pause, showing a still of her face.
“Who is that?” Gibelli laughed. “I watched all of Love Is Blind here for the first time, and maybe the second time.”
She told viewers that she experienced “all the feels” while watching, and explained that she gets emotional about the person she was in the show compared to who she is now.
“I was actually living in a basement,” admitted Giannina. But she is clear that she is thankful for where she has come.
“It’s my own little place,” Gibelli said while looking around her space.
She then moved from the living room to her “lovely little balcony.” She said while she was lucky for her balcony, she admitted she would rather have a backyard.
“I thought ‘why not make a plant nursery?’” Gibelli declared as she showed viewers her organized shelf full of plants.
She then moved to a corner of her balcony and sat in a chair surrounded by plants. Gibelli said that Damian donated “everything that you see here besides the plants,” helping her make it a special place to sit and reflect.
“Sometimes I don’t even wear pants,” Gibelli admitted. “Out of all the places in my little apartment, this might be number one other than my bedroom.”
She then took viewers to her bedroom, explaining the “loft feel” of the decor and how she wanted to room to appear bigger than it actually was. The room had a wide mirror adjacent to her bed and white accents.
Gibelli credited her mom for raising her to be organized and to keep her space neat. She then randomly began playing her keyboard that was sitting in front of her bedroom window.
She then showed off her walk-in closet. She did not show much of the small space, as it looked a little cluttered. Gibelli did not hesitate to show viewers the corner in her closet where Damian keeps his clothes.
After leaving her bedroom, she gave viewers a peek into her office. She hilariously fell out of her chair after several takes of her spinning in it.
Giannina declared that she spends 70 percent of her time at her desk. She showed off the crystals that she keeps at her desk before showing the rest of the room, which also doubles as her dining room and bike storage.
Her boyfriend, Damian Powers, then showed up at the apartment and kissed her. He boasted that he had a big gift for her.
“Is it a shoe rack?” Gibelli guessed. He bought her a studio backdrop for her YouTube videos.
“I know you’ve been excited about your videos and vlogging and getting out,” Powers told her. “So I wanted to get you a full backdrop set and everything.”
“We’re in my new studio!” Gibelli declared as she jumped on the couch.
They both discussed the adventure of setting up the studio equipment while giving each other a loving embrace.
Gibelli is no stranger to letting her fans in on her life. She recently uploaded a skin care routine to her YouTube channel and posted a makeup-free selfie on Instagram.
Watch the full video of Giannina showing off her digs below.