Judge Rinder, who has been dubbed the “British Judge Judy,” has announced that though he was once a “die-hard” fan of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle , his opinion has shifted in light of their decision to freeze out a number of press outlets.
According to The Sun , which is one of the organizations that has been blacklisted by the duke and duchess, Judge Rinder said that he found it more and more difficult to defend the pair.
“I’ve been for a long time one of the last die-hard defenders of Meghan and Harry and certainly Meghan,” he said on the television show This Morning.
However, Judge Rinder said that his less favorable opinion was solidified after the Sussexes announced that they would no longer be cooperating with several British media companies, including The Daily Mail , The Express , and The Mirror .
“I’m afraid to say it’s harder to think of a more clear articulation, a split, between a generation that is ‘me me, enough about me what you do think of me?’ where you accidentally use the press when you want them, but get rid of them when you don’t,” he added.
Rinder then gave the example of how Prince Harry and Meghan used the press when they were photographed delivering groceries in Los Angeles to people in lockdown.
“You find yourself photographed delivering food to the poor – one wonders how that happened?” he explained.
“It’s becoming increasingly difficult to defend their position,” he concluded.
The judge also explained that the “legal geek” in him saw that the timing of the letter was “no coincidence,” given the lawsuit brought by the couple against Associated Newspapers was commencing on Friday.
Rinder added that he believed that the pair’s self-proclaimed “revised media approach” was a way for the two to try to control the narrative about the redheaded prince and his former Suits actress wife — especially as their court case unfolds.
As was previously reported by The Inquisitr , details have already emerged about the relationship between the Duchess of Sussex and her father, Thomas Markle Senior.
Garnering most attention have been the leaked text messages the Sussexes and the former lighting director, which show the confusion and miscommunications between the three in the lead up to the royal wedding.
Judge Rinder is well known in the United Kingdom for his courtroom television show of the same name. The series follows the same format as the popular Judge Judy series, in which civil cases are argued before Rinder, who then delivers his verdict.