Tuesday’s episode of General Hospital is slated to feature an intriguing conversation, according to the latest spoilers. Mob boss Cyrus Renault is determined to build a business in Port Charles, and his efforts have already caused a lot of drama. Now, it seems that he may look to former mobster Julian Jerome as a potential partner in taking things to the next level.
According to SheKnows Soaps , Julian will become the focus of someone’s attention, but not in a good way. Based on the sneak peek for the April 21 show, it appears that this attention refers to Cyrus.
Julian will be behind the bar at Charlie’s and Cyrus will pay him a visit. Cyrus will mention that perhaps there will be an opportunity for collaboration, seemingly signaling that he thinks that Julian could be an asset to him as he expands his organization. Julian appears to smile wryly and he will probably tell Cyrus he’s no longer in the mob scene.
It is true that Julian isn’t in the mob business any longer, and he’s pointed that out to quite a few people over the past couple of years. Cyrus may not believe that Julian is fully committed to living an upstanding life though. However, if Julian were going to flip back over to the dark side again, it seems unlikely he’d hop right into a partnership with Cyrus at this stage.
Today might catch Julian by surprise. Does he have more on his plate than he can handle? An all-new #GH starts RIGHT NOW on ABC! @WilliamdeVry1 pic.twitter.com/zrPnLCUZGs
— General Hospital (@GeneralHospital) November 18, 2019
Granted, Julian is in a tough spot in his life right now. Things ended badly with Kim, he had a fling with Britt that turned sour, he’s still hiding his involvement in the baby swap, and he’s estranged from Lucas. Julian doesn’t have much going right in his world these days, so throwing it all aside and becoming a bad guy again probably isn’t out the realm of possibilities.
Could Julian end up aligning with Cyrus in the future? If his role in the baby swap were to be revealed, he’d be facing retaliation from Sonny. If that were to become an issue, working with Cyrus could provide some essential protection for him.
Cyrus and Sonny are dancing around one another at the moment and they are slated to meet up to discuss their issues. However, General Hospital spoilers indicate that Sonny’s going to miss this meeting. It seems that he’ll need to focus on Mike’s latest incident, and that may leave Cyrus moving forward with what he wants rather than trying to form any sort of agreement with Sonny.
There are additional meetings involving Cyrus and Sonny on the way. However, General Hospital spoilers don’t reveal anything more about Julian’s possible involvement in this chaos for now. Should Julian throw himself back into the business? Fans will be interested to see just how this upcoming conversation goes during Tuesday’s episode.