Ainsley Rodriguez showcased an upper body workout in the most recent video series on her Instagram page.
Dressed in a gray sports bra and matching shorts, the Latina fitness model started the circuit with a series of lat sweeps. For this exercise, Ainsley attached one end of a long red resistance band to an overhead bar. Spreading it wide with her arms, she pulled the band down repeatedly. In her caption, she suggested doing 20 repetitions, and she also advised viewers to pause briefly at the bottom of the pulldown before the next rep.
Ainsley knelt for the next exercise in the circuit, a set of crossover pulldowns. She attached a yellow band overhead for this one and held her arms at right angles before she pulled it down, the band forming a triangular shape as she did so. She also recommended 20 reps for this exercise and instructed fans to pinch the shoulder blades during the pulldown.
Tricep extensions came next. For this exercise, she leaned her body backward slightly and pulled the red resistance band toward her face, hinging the movement at her elbows.
Then in the fourth and final video of the series, Ainsley stood with her back toward the overhead bar where the resistance band was attached. With each end of it in hand, she performed a set of bicep curls.
The post has been liked more than 15,000 times and over 450 Instagram users have commented on it so far. In those comments, several fans seemed enthralled by her physical attractiveness.
“You look amazing and beautiful,” one fan wrote before adding a heart-eye and flexed bicep emoji to their comment.
“Can never get tired of watching you… absolutely beautiful and I’ll say it again PEREFCT [sic],” another added.
Others thanked her for the workout inspiration with more than one commenter stating that she was “body goals.”
Then there were those who seemed eager to get their hands on resistance bands like hers. Ainsley sells them on her website, but they are currently sold out. She told one commenter that they will be restocked next month.
This is hardly the first resistance band workout that Ainsley has posted on her Instagram page. In a previous post, she used a band similar to one seen in her most recent video series. Dressed in a yellow bikini , she used it to train her glutes with a circuit that included banded hip thrusts, laying hip thrusts, side-steps, and more.
The post has been liked close to 30,000 times, as of this writing.