Prosecutors have publicly released the rowing photos that Lori Loughlin and Mossimo Giannulli allegedly used to falsely present their daughters as rowing crew recruits for the University of Southern California. In the photos, now 20-year-old Olivia Jade and 21-year-old Bella Giannulli are perched on top of rowing machines, according to The New York Post.
In the photos, both of the girls’ faces are blurred out. However, it has already been determined which photo belongs to which daughter based upon when the photos were sent to Rick Singer, the admitted mastermind of the scheme. In Olivia’s photo, she wears snakeskin-print leggings, a white tank top, and a pair of sneakers. She is seated on the rowing machine with her arms extended as she pulls the bar.
In Bella’s photo, she is also dressed in athletic wear. She wears a light gray T-shirt, white athletic shorts, and a pair of black Nike sneakers. She is seated on the bench of the rowing machine with her feet strapped down as she pulls the bar toward herself.
Bella’s photo was sent to Singer by her father on September 7, 2016. The photo was taken after Singer told the famous couple that he would need it in order to complete her fake athletic profile, according to publicly released court documents.
“Lori and Moss, I met with USC today [and] I need a PDF of her transcript and test scores very soon while I create a coxswain portfolio for her. It would probably help to get a picture with her on an ERG in workout clothes like a real athlete too,” Singer says in an email.
“Fantastic. Will get all,” Giannulli told him at the time.
Bella was later accepted into the University of Southern California as a crew recruit despite the fact that she was not known to have participated in the sport before. After her acceptance, Giannulli contacted his financial advisor and sent him a rather incriminating email.
“Good news my [older] daughter is in [U]SC bad [news] is I had to work the system,” he said.
The same process would then be repeated for Olivia, just less than a year later.
As The Inquisitr previously reported, Loughlin and Giannulli are expected to face trial in October of 2020 in the state of Massachusetts, along with other parents that are also involved in the college admissions scandal. They face a long stack of charges to which they have pleaded not guilty. They could potentially spend decades in prison if they are convicted.