As concerns over the novel coronavirus take over the internet, New Kids On the Block singer Donnie Wahlberg is bringing back the “Twug.”
A decade ago, Donnie introduced the “Twitter Hug” trend on social media. On Monday night, the “Twug” was trending as Donnie took to his social media to reignite the ritual amid the pandemic.
“When I invented the #TWUG — aka the ‘@Twitter Hug’ — ten years ago. I had no idea that it would work perfectly for something called ‘Social Distancing’ during a pandemic. Anyway, here we are a decade later and it seems we can all use a #TWUG right now! Let’s freaking go!”
Donnie sent out the tweet and included a red heart emoji at the end. Within an hour, the tweet had over 2,000 likes from the singers more than 1.5 million followers and 217 retweets from fans wanting to get in on the “Twug.”
“I could sure use one now,” one follower wrote to which Donnie replied to take “ten” of them and used 10 “Twug” hashtags.
“I need a #TWUG! I’m a teacher and I feel so bad that my school is currently shut down. This whole thing is crazy!” another follower wrote and the NKOTB singer followed through and sent a “Twug” to the fan.
Donnie revealed that when he does the “Twug,” he usually gives out about 200, but amidst the growing concerns, he was hoping to give out many more, hoping to spread some love.
usually 200 in a day when we do it. But I’m going for way f***ing more today. We gotta spread this love. Sick of this bullish*t. #TWUG
ps — love ya Boom!
— Donnie Wahlberg (@DonnieWahlberg) March 16, 2020
While the “Twug” has been around for a decade, Donnie took to Twitter back in February 2013 to define it, indicating that it was a “verb” and included a brief definition.
“twug- (verb) a twitter hug. invented by @DonnieWahlberg. accepted by millions. copied by many. known to trend & cause timeline erruptions.”
Since the invention, Donnie has gone on several “Twug” sprees on Twitter, sending out Twitter hugs to his followers. He took to Twitter again in 2017 to talk about the invention of the “Twug” and revealed that it has even found its way into the Urban Dictionary.
It’s in the @urbandictionary .
I invented them — but me and my fans share them.
And that’s what we’re gonna do right now!!!
Who’s ready?
— Donnie Wahlberg (@DonnieWahlberg) November 22, 2017
He again brought back the “Twug” in 2019 and fans were excited to get in on the virtual hugging.
Anytime the singer, who is married to Jenny McCarthy , takes to Twitter to give out Twitter Hugs, fans are excited to share in the virtual hugs. At a time when there is uncertainty and anxiety in the world over the novel coronavirus, there is no doubt that everyone could use a “Twug.”