NeNe Leakes revealed that she was just as shocked by Wendy Williams’ tears on The Wendy Williams Show .
In January, the daytime talk show host spoke about the Real Housewives of Atlanta star on her show . Williams shared with her fans that Leakes had texted her saying, “I’m quitting,” and Williams assumed she was referring to the Bravo series.
Prior to the post, Leakes had expressed that the show hadn’t been as fun for her to film anymore, so Williams’ audience didn’t have a hard time believing that her claim was true. Williams also told her audience that Leakes had a secret that was so emotional that the two friends cried together after Leakes told her. Williams then preceded to cry herself on her show.
According to Essence , Leakes wasn’t sure what Williams was referring to on her show. The magazine caught up with Leakes and asked her what Williams was insinuating when she was talking to her audience. The former Glee actress said that she wasn’t sure what Williams was referring to in her cryptic message.
In addition to sharing that Leakes had told her that she was quitting, Williams also said that the secret she had would “melt their hearts,” referring to Leakes’ fan base. Leakes said she believes the reason Williams was crying wasn’t that she was sad for Leakes, but because she realized she had gotten too personal with her fans.
“I wish I knew what she was insinuating,” Leakes said of Williams’ remarks. “I feel like she started to cry because I think she realized, ‘Oh my God, I just probably said something just then that I probably shouldn’t have said and Nene is going to kill me.’ She over spoke.”
Leakes said Williams realized her error the same day as the show’s taping. She said that after the show wrapped, Williams tried to get in contact with her throughout the day. Once she finally did get ahold of Leakes, the former radio personality was completely apologetic to her friend.
“When we did talk—because my phone was blowing up—when we did talk, she recalled, ‘Oh my gosh, what do I need to do? What can I do to fix it?’”
Eventually, Leakes decided to forgive Williams for her error. Prior to her show being suspended due to the coronavirus outbreak , Williams even confirmed that she and Leakes had hashed out their issues and were on good terms.
As for her future on RHOA , Leakes shared that, while she thinks of leaving the show often, she hasn’t let go of her peach just yet.