Mick Foley became a legend in the wrestling business due to his ability to play a variety of gimmicks, the most notable of which are Mankind and Cactus Jack. However, when TMZ Sports asked him which of his alter egos is his all-time favorite, he went with the one who is arguably the least popular of the group.
“I’m gonna go with ‘Corporate Dude Love,’” Foley said. “Where I got to dance with Mr. McMahon. That’s the first time I’ve ever given that answer. Today’s answer is ‘Corporate Dude Love.’ I had a couple of epic matches with ‘Stone Cold’ Steve Austin too.”
Dude Love was Foley’s feel-good character in WWE for a while. Cactus Jack and Mankind were often portrayed as psychotic, but Love was a fun-loving hippie character who wore colorful clothes and danced, even though it was evident that he was just as bizarre as Foley’s other gimmicks, albeit in a different way. However, the version of the gimmick he’s referring to is the heel iteration of the character who wore a suit and was briefly aligned with Vince McMahon .
The Dude Love character may have been short-lived, but he still contributed to Foley’s legacy as a versatile performer who continually reinvented himself. However, Mankind is the gimmick which caused his career to really take off, and Foley shared his thoughts on the character during the interview.
“‘Mankind’ was up there as a whole, especially the latter-day ‘Mankind’ teamed up with a little known entity, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson. We did some great things together.”
Foley is referring to The Rock ‘n’ Sock connection, a team that got over massively with the company’s fan base due to their odd-couple connection. Their characters didn’t share a lot in common, but they somehow complemented each other perfectly and it made for some entertaining storylines. These included the famous “This is Your Life” segment in 1999, which was Monday Night Raw ‘s highest-rated moment for years.
During the interview, Foley was also asked if he’d still perform his Mandible Claw finisher today given all the germs that are spreading as a result of the coronavirus. According to the Hall of Famer, he’d still do it, but he’d cover the sock with hand sanitizer and it would be equally as effective.
Foley is long retired from in-ring competition, but Bray Wyatt has been continuing his legacy with his own take on the Mandible Claw. Foley has also given the superstar his seal of approval to use it.