A woman from Atlanta, Georgia , died after a freak accident caused her to be struck by a utility pole — only moments after she survived a car wreck.
Early Thursday morning, Keisha Edwards was driving on Woodruff Farm Road in Columbus, Georgia, with a male companion passenger, as reported by local news WRBL . The 26-year-old was driving when she crashed the car .
Columbus Police Lieutenant Lance Deaton told the news outlet Edwards had hit a utility pole and both she and the passenger got out of the vehicle to see how badly the car was damaged. Another motorist saw the collision and pulled over to offer assistance.
Deaton described the scene as something he had never encountered before, but the first accident was fine.
“Basically, it was a one-car accident — car versus pole — and everything you would want to happen happened. All the right things,” the police lieutenant said. “They appeared to be OK, someone stopped to help.”
The pole Edwards hit had no utility wires but there were guide wires attached that were dangling over the road after the initial collision. At the same time the trio inspected what had happened, an elderly female driver was approaching the road. Due to the weather, she reportedly could not see the hanging wires.
Once the woman drove into them, it caused a utility pole on the opposite side of the road to break off.
“Those guide wires yanked the pole and it swung like a pendulum,” Deaton said. “It hit all three people who were standing near the accident.”
According to WRBL , the person who stopped to help suffered a broken foot, the passenger broke their leg, and Edwards died from the impact.
Muscogee County Coroner Buddy Bryan spoke to People about the pole swinging to hit all three individuals.
“This is a very freak accidental death,” he said.
The publication reported that the identity of the woman who drove into the guide wires has not been made public. There has been no statement on whether or not she will face charges, and the collision is still under investigation. Bryan said Edwards’ body was sent to a crime lab in Decatur, Georgia, and an autopsy is scheduled for Friday. However, the results will not be available for several weeks.
People reported that several of Edwards’ friends sent their condolences on Facebook as her community copes with the tragic events.
“Rest In Peace my partner Keisha Edwards. Man I just did your hair,” a friend posted on Facebook . “My partner and crime in high school. Lord you gained a real one.”