Joseph Gordon-Levitt fans, are you RECording? That’s the question you should probably ask yourself if you want your creative work to wind up on a television program. Gordon-Levitt has decided to make a pretty sweet deal, which will allow creative artists from his Hit RECord community to be featured on a television program, solely dedicated to the works hosted on Hit RECord’s website .
If all goes well, original work from the Hit RECord community, including short films, live performances, conversations, writings, poetry, will be featured on the television show. The show, while it’s untitled right now will be featured on a brand new cable channel called “Pivot.” Not much is known about Pivot, but hopefully more details were emerge about the new and exciting network.
Since 2010 Gordon-Levitt has launched his multi-media sharing and creative collaboration site as a full on production studio. The way it works is that it’s a social network where creative people can log in, share their pictures, drawings, music, writings, and any other original creation, so people can “heart it” (think the Facebook ‘like’ button), or remix it, which allows other members to download the content for their use and post it back up as something entirely different. Pretty cool right?
Gordon-Levitt has been making waves with the site in a big way, taking steps to bring the community and its thousands of members some much needed attention and support. Since launching Hit RECord with late brother Dan, Joseph known as “Regular Joe” to many users, has bridged the gap between his mega film career, which has grown considerably in the last two years, and his first love, Hit RECord.
Since then Regular Joe has been taking Hit RECord on the road, featuring original collaborations at Tribeca Film Festival and Sundance Film Festival, creating live performances in ballrooms and grand theaters, and even putting out a few records and two books of creative writing from the site. The next step is Hit RECord’s own television show which seems pretty ambitious, but also a big step for social media, and multi media projects in general.
Watch Joseph Gordon-Levitt explain the whole process below: