Donald Trump Jr. argued in a tweet on Monday that CNN has done more damage to American democracy by reporting on Russian interference in the 2020 election than any actual Russian activity has done.
“CNN is so stupid they don’t even understand the irony of how they’ve done more damage than any ‘Russian operation’ could ever have dreamed. The media has done one hell of a job these past 4 years in attempting to deligitmize [sic] our election process,” he wrote.
The president’s eldest son was responding to news that the Kremlin is attempting to interference once again in the American election process, as they did in 2016. Reports indicate that Russia is working to secure a second term for Trump and to sow discord within the system.
But Trump Jr. believes that the media has done more to harm the country than Russian interference and that CNN is attempting to alter the election by reporting on the situation.
“No biggie… the media just ran with hysteria for 3 years as gospel accusing people of treason,” he continued in a second tweet . “Well guess what? It turns out the media and the DNC were the ones working for Russia, executing their long standing goal to create chaos better than Russia could have ever dreamed of.”
While there is no evidence to support his claim that the DNC and the media are working with Russia, it’s not the first time that he — and other right-leaning individuals — have made that assertion.
Trump Jr. famously accepted an invitation during his father’s campaign for president to meet with a Russian lawyer to gather dirt on Trump’s opponent, Hillary Clinton.
While the legitimacy of the reports of Russian interference in the upcoming election are still being investigated, the news has reportedly already had an impact on the White House.
As The Inquisitr previously reported, Trump allegedly fired his head of intelligence, Joseph Mcquire, for releasing information about Russian interference. Reports indicate that Trump was upset that the information could be used as fodder for the Democrats against him in the upcoming election.
Meanwhile, Trump’s team has continued to argue that they have seen no evidence the Russians are attempting to interfere in U.S. politics.
Newly appointed National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien said that — while he hasn’t read the briefings — he isn’t aware of any activity on the Kremlin’s part to get Trump re-elected. He expressed that he wasn’t surprised, however, to hear reports that Russia was also working to interfere in Bernie Sanders’ 2020 campaign.