As Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have begun working out the details of their separation from the royal family, one source has suggested that the queen is valuing efficiency above all else. Following reports that the couple would no longer be allowed to call themselves royals in the wake of their decision to step back from the family, Vanity Fair has reported that Queen Elizabeth II is trying to get the whole matter wrapped up as quickly as possible. Although she has been publicly supportive of the couple’s decision to step back, insiders have suggested that she has taken the decision personally.
“She generally doesn’t want to talk about it. The queen has been keen to get this resolved because she sees it is damaging to the monarchy and on a personal level I think this has been rather hurtful for her. She has got to the point where she doesn’t want to think about it anymore, she just wants it over and done with,” one source said.
The source continued by suggesting that, by allowing Meghan and Harry to keep their titles, she has left the door open to their return. Even as she did that, though, she also sent a clear message by banning them from using the word royal. Patrick Jephson, a royal courtier, said that the queen has disciplinary powers, although she rarely uses them. Usually, the threat of her displeasure keeps everyone in line.
“When something more emphatic is required in defense of the dynasty, she does what’s necessary. People are reassured when she acts to protect the monarchy,” Jephson said.
Jephson also suggested that, perhaps because of her decades serving as queen, she has a very pragmatic approach to problems facing the monarchy. Harry and Meghan’s decision to lay off their staff in the U.K. was reportedly read as a sign that they plan to make North America their permanent home. There have also been reports of frustration within Buckingham Palace over the couple’s decision to make the announcement before any plan was in place.
The years 2019 and 2020 have proved to be turbulent ones for the monarchy, not just because of “Megxit,” but also due to the scandal surrounding Prince Andrew and his relationship with the late disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein. This turbulence comes as rumors have begun swirling about Queen Elizabeth’s potential retirement from many of her public-facing duties. However, according to sources inside the royal family, she has remained “fully engaged” in her role as monarch.