Robert Mueller was “furious” with Attorney General William Barr over his “misleading” four-page summary of the special counsel’s report on his two-year investigation into the 2016 Donald Trump campaign’s alleged Russia ties, according to the authors of a new book that reveals numerous behind-the-scenes conversations and events inside the administration.
But Mueller never went public with his objections to how the attorney general characterized his report, according to Washington Post investigative journalists Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig, who wrote the book.
That book, A Very Stable Genius: Donald J. Trump’s Testing of America , was published on Tuesday and has already made headlines for its portrayal of a “dangerously uninformed” Trump who did not even know why he once visited a memorial to the Pearl Harbor attack, appearing ignorant of the Japanese bombing raid that took place there in 1941.
The aforementioned confrontation, which reportedly took place at a face-to-face meeting in March of last year, was “one episode in which Barr completely outfoxed Mueller,” Rucker said, in an interview with MSNBC host Brian Williams on Monday night.
Rucker added that legal experts consider Mueller’s choice to remain silent about his anger over the Barr memo a “fatal error,” resulting from the 75-year-old former FBI director’s inability “to keep up in the 21st century of the Twitter universe.”
As The Inquisitr reported at the time, Barr issued his summary weeks before any part of the Mueller report had been released to Congress and the public. In the summary memo, he claimed that Mueller’s evidence was “not sufficient to establish that the President committed an obstruction-of-justice offense.”
In reality, when the document was released in April, it detailed 10 instances of what it described as “obstruction of justice” by Trump. The complete — albeit redacted — Mueller Report remains readable online, courtesy of The New York Times .
Just three days after Barr released his four-page summary of the 448-page document, Mueller wrote an angry letter to the attorney general accusing him of failing to “fully capture the context, nature, and substance” of his investigation. He rebuked Barr for the memo which “threatens to undermine a central purpose” of the special counsel investigation in the 2016 Trump campaign, and into the president’s later attempts to obstruct that investigation, according to Politico .
But Mueller did not intend for his letter — which ultimately leaked to the press about one month later — to become public. Instead, Rucker and Leonnig wrote that he simply kept his anger at Barr — and his objections to the summary — to himself, allowing the attorney general to control the people’s understanding of the special counsel’s findings.
While Mueller’s report did not allege a criminally chargeable “conspiracy” between the Trump campaign and Russia, the special counsel investigation found “numerous links” between both sides that took over 200 pages of the report to fully detail, according to a Time Magazine summary.
Mueller also specified that his inability to find criminal conspiracy charges “does not mean there was no evidence” of a conspiracy between Trump and Russia.