Tamra Judge announced that she was leaving the Real Housewives of Orange Country after finding out that producers planned to demote her to the role of “friend” for the upcoming 15th season of the show. Shortly after the news became public, Tamra unfollowed several of her former co-stars, the official Bravo social media account, and even Andy Cohen.
The 52-year-old opened with Andy to explain why she made the decision to cut ties with people related to the show, according to Hollywood Life .
Andy asked Tamra during an IG live session why she unfollowed him and everyone else.
“I didn’t want to be hurt any more than I already was. So I just unfollowed everybody. It was just like my instinct. Out of sight, out of mind. I don’t have to see it. Now I’m good. I’ve accepted it,” she said.
Tamra explained that she was camping when she got the news that she wouldn’t be invited to come back as a full-time housewife on the next season of the show.
“I got a text message a couple hours before I left for my camping trip that I have a production meeting, that we’re going full force, I know you haven’t gotten your contract, so I thought, ‘Ok, I’m good. I’m good right?’” she said.
While camping, Tamra didn’t have cell phone reception, so she went to a spot where she could check up on her kids and that’s when she realized how dramatic the news from production was going to be. So instead of reading about it, she decided to disconnect.
Tamra wasn’t totally upset about the situation, admitting that she has been able to create two successful businesses and purchase two homes thanks to the publicity that she got while appearing on the show. Andy advised her to be happy that she got the opportunity to be on the show rather than being sad that it’s over, and she agreed that he was right.
Still, Tamra told Andy that she needs some privacy right now because she is having some sort of personal issue. She said that she didn’t want to go into detail about the situation, but that it was “difficult” for her.
“It was best for me to step away so I can deal with it on my own,” she said.
She admitted that the fact that she wouldn’t be appearing on the show next season meant that she could have the privacy she needed rather than having to face the cameras.