Kaley Cuoco recently rocked a stylish ensemble for an outing in Rome. On Thursday, The Big Bang Theory star took to Instagram to share a photo that was snapped during a shopping trip in the historic Italian city. Kaley looked like she was having a blast, but her assistant appeared to be exhausted.
As previously reported by The Inquisitr , Kaley is currently filming her HBO Max series, The Flight Attendant , on location in Rome. During her downtime, she had her personal assistant, Emma Ross, accompany her as she explored some of the city’s shops. In the aforementioned photo taken during their outing, Kaley was pictured rocking a calf-length dress that featured a yellow and black floral pattern. A pair of dark brown, pointy-toed boots peeked out from underneath her fluttery A-line skirt.
Kaley’s footwear and her outerwear both looked like leather, but they were likely constructed out of alternatives to the material. Because she’s such a passionate animal lover, Kaley has said that she avoids wearing real leather . Instead, she looks for garments constructed out of vegan leather, which is sometimes made from recycled materials like plastic bottles.
The thick black coat Kaley wore for her Roman shopping trip was textured to make it look a bit like alligator skin. The stylish jacket hit Kaley right below the hip. Over it, the actress wore a black scarf covered with shiny fringe. She was also rocking a pair of black gloves and a matching purse. The bag was shaped like an over-sized, round coin purse with a classic kiss lock closure. Kaley’s glove and purse were likely also made out of faux leather.
Kaley was wearing her blond hair partially pulled up in a high doughnut bun. A few wavy locks were left down to frame her face. The actress was smiling and holding a cup of her beloved coffee in her hands.
Kaley’s assistant, Emma, was pictured standing beside her. She was holding two large shopping bags, and she was bending over as if they were heavy and she was struggling to carry them.
The photo was taken in front of the Fountain of Neptune located in the Piazza Navona. According to the caption of Kaley’s post, she was savoring a nonfat latte while Emma carried her “shopping bags and miscellaneous crap.”
Kaley’s 5.8 million Instagram followers let her know that they were big fans of her fashionable and funny photo.
“Oh my gosh this is hilarious! And you my friend are ridiculously adorable! I am loving this entire look!” wrote The Bachelorette star Ali Fedotowsky in response to her post.
“You’re so gorgeous! Big fan,” remarked another admirer.
Emma also got plenty of love from Kaley’s followers.
“Ciao Bella! Your assistant looks wiped! Give that girl an espresso!” wrote one fan.
“Emma looks like a great sport!! Like she loves to make others happy,” another commenter wrote. “I like Emma the world needs more Emmas! You two look great!! Super cute outfit love the boots!”