Last January, Jersey Shore Family Vacation star Deena Cortese welcomed her son, CJ, into the world. Over the past year, fans of the reality show star have enjoyed the photo updates that she posts to social media, but on Tuesday, she took to Instagram to share a different kind of update. In the update, she opened up about a foot condition that her 1-year-old son has and explained that it is why she doesn’t put shoes on him.
“I’ve been getting a lot of messages about CJs feet, how he walks and other mothers ridiculing me for not putting shoes on him at 1 years old,” the reality show star began.
She then explained that if fans notice something about her son, she “most likely” noticed it before them and asked them to take that into consideration before sending her messages. She further explained that she didn’t think it was “necessary” to reveal why he wasn’t wearing shoes.
“Maybe come in asking and not telling.. that doesn’t make a mother feel great,” she added.
The Jersey Shore Family Vacation star then went on to explain why her son doesn’t wear shoes in photos and revealed that he has a foot condition that will require him to get braces for his feet that he will wear at night.
“CJ has Metatarsus Adductus.. and will be getting night braces to get it corrected.. he’s had it since he was born but we noticed it at 10 months when he started walking,” she revealed. She explained that the doctor told her it is a “common” condition and that they are taking care of it.
She then revealed that one foot is worse than the other saying, “Unfortunately his right foot has an extreme case and he literally can not get a shoe on..”
It turns out that is the reason why her son isn’t wearing shoes in photographs.
Within the first three hours of posting the photo, the post had received more than 60,000 likes from her followers. Deena also received plenty of support from her followers who commented on her post and let her know that she wasn’t alone. Some shared their stories revealing they had dealt with similar things with their kids. Many commenters also commended Deena for her parenting and let her know they think she is a good mom.
Fans have noticed just how much Deena loves being a mom and recently, she opened up about the struggles of motherhood alongside filming Jersey Shore: Family Vacation . She explained that while she loves filming, she wants to be at home with her son.