R. Kelly ‘s girlfriend, Azriel Clary, has reunited with her family after years of being estranged, and she wants the world to know. Clary and Kelly’s second girlfriend, Joycelyn Savage, have lived in seclusion in the singer’s Trump Tower condo, but after moving out and getting in a knock-down fight with Savage, Clary is moving on with her life, as the New York Daily News reports.
The 22-year-old posted a photo of her and her parents and siblings clowning around in matching outfits, smiling, hugging, and laughing for the camera. She captioned the post with a thank you to her fans for believing in her. She also alerted fans that her family was starting their own Instagram account with the handle “ontherunwithazriel.”
Clary’s parents waged a campaign several years ago to bring the then-17-year-old back into the fold after she became isolated from them when she moved out to live with Kelly. Since then, they have continued to try and reunite with their daughter and asked her to submit to welfare checks, all to no avail.
Clary has stayed with Kelly through allegations about his alleged sexual abuse and subsequent arrest and imprisonment. She also supported the disgraced singer through the first part of the series Surviving R. Kelly , which detailed numerous allegations from witnesses and people who were close to the singer. But recently, alongside the release of the second part of the documentary, Surviving R. Kelly Part II , Clary has distanced herself from the situation.
The 22-year-old moved out of Kelly’s luxurious Trump Tower condo to distance herself from the drama surrounding Kelly and Savage, as The Inquisitr previously reported. At the time, Kelly was being accused of hiding funds by channeling them into his friends’ bank accounts.
“In fact, the defendant continues to receive hundreds of thousands of dollars in connection with royalties he is owed for his music. The government’s investigation has revealed that earlier this year, the defendant re-directed those royalties to the bank account of a childhood friend,” the court documents argued.
Later, Clary returned to the condo to gather some of her things, and she and Savage got into a physical altercation that resulted in the latter being arrested . She is facing a year in prison if she is found guilty.
“Joycelyn is sadly in jail for assault, I thank everyone for sending me lots of love and prayers. You all will know everything sooner than later,” Clary wrote after the arrest.
Since leaving the Trump Tower in Chicago, she has repeatedly promised to reveal her side of the story with Kelly to the public.