Peter Weber and others associated with The Bachelor are promising a wild and unexpected ending this spring. The premiere and sneak peeks for the season have already generated a lot of buzz about what fans think goes down, but now, blogger Reality Steve is doing his best to rein in expectations a bit.
The ending to Peter’s season has yet to be revealed by the blogger. In addition, The Bachelor star himself says that things will take a crazy turn he couldn’t have predicted. That means that fans are coming up with lots of crazy theories about what happens. Details about that ending remain mysterious and unknown, but in his newest blog post, Reality Steve said that he thinks he’s figured out a few of the puzzle pieces.
The reality show blogger also shared his latest thoughts on the tantalizing sneak peek that everybody saw at the beginning of Peter’s premiere. Host Chris Harrison tells Peter something that has just come to the attention of producers and Chris says that he thought he needed to know. In addition, Peter is seen on the bed in his hotel room in his suit, stressed about something happening.
Although he still doesn’t know exactly what it is that Chris tells Peter, Reality Steve says that he suspects that this will end up being a lot of hype with little substance behind it. For example, viewers may remember back in Sean Lowe’s season where he was given a letter right before his final rose ceremony. Previews suggested that this letter was a game-changer regarding that final rose decision, but ultimately, it wasn’t.
Producers have done other sneaky things somewhat like this, like when they showed both Luke Parker holding an engagement ring during Hannah Brown’s The Bachelorette season. Last year, they also showed Colton Underwood holding a ring box in a preview during his run as The Bachelor . Those rings and ring boxes never came into play as the seasons actually aired, though.
Something does rattle Peter during that final stage of filming and Chris will share something with him that supposedly could impact his decision-making process. However, Reality Steve says that as he’s continued to dig for spoilers, he has developed a big hunch that the tidbit from Chris will be far less explosive when it airs than how it looks in the previews.
In addition, Reality Steve says that he can confidently say that Peter does not end up reuniting with Hannah Brown. The blogger’s The Bachelor spoilers indicate that Hannah doesn’t come back for the final rose ceremony, nor does Peter track her down after filming to give their romance another try.
If this surprise at Peter’s final rose ceremony isn’t about Hannah, what is it about? Will it turn out to be a fairly minor situation rather than the game-changer the preview suggests?
Reality Steve’s The Bachelor spoilers will almost certainly expand as Peter’s season plays out to include a few more details. However, for now, fans will have to continue speculating while considering how these latest puzzle pieces all fit together.