Kanye West has gotten a lot of attention in the media lately for the resurgence of his Christian faith. Conservative commentator Sean Hannity is a fan of the gospel rapper and the bold way in which he lives out his life and how he doesn’t seem to care at all about what people think. Hannity praised West during a recent interview with television personality Ainsley Earhardt, according to Fox News.
Earhardt pointed out to Hannity that she was recently on his show and she was surprised by how much time he had spent discussing West. She explained that with everything going on with the impeachment hearing, she was surprised he was dedicating so much time to discussing West’s new music.
Hannity did not regret the focus he put upon this topic and commended West for his recent visit to a Texas prison where he performed for both male and female prisoners alongside his gospel choir.
“I love that he doesn’t care what anyone in the world thinks about him. He is a true original. We should all be originals. What I like the most is that he stopped at a prison. Kanye West didn’t have to stop at the prison. He stopped at a prison, and then more importantly, what I liked about it, he first saw the guys…then went to see the girls in prison, [he] spent time with everybody.”
Hannity went on to discuss how prison inmates are often largely forgotten about by the general public. But West took the time to show them that they matter and are valued. He also described the photos that were taken during the performances which showed women and men prisoners visibly moved by the music, tears streaming down their faces.
“Kanye West comes and he spends time with you, you mean something to him,” said Hannity of West’s gesture.
West recently released his new album, “Jesus is King”, which focuses on his journey of faith, and also touches upon controversial issues like politics and family issues. As The Inquisitr previously reported, the album and West’s newfound focus on Christianity has been received with mixed reactions. Some people, like Hannity, are commending him for using his public platform to spread a positive message. Others still question whether this new version of West is really legitimate.
West, who is the husband of Kim Kardashian, is expected to go on tour for the new album in the near future.