As previously reported by The Inquisitr , ever since Baby Yoda was discovered in the new Disney Plus series, The Mandalorian , fans have been demanding the toys. Now, according to SyFy , merchandise is set to be released next year.
Baby Yoda has become an instant hit for Star Wars fans after his appearance in the Disney spinoff series. Already, there are a plethora of memes thanks to the TV series, but what people really wanted was to have their own version for themselves.
In fact, many have gone so far as to create their own Baby Yodas. Some are even profiting on this via online stores such as Etsy. The most famous replica so far is a crocheted amigurumi version of Baby Yoda. The pattern was available for sale on Ravelry but was since taken down after Disney contacted the owner regarding the obvious infringement on their copyrighted material.
This wasn’t the first bootleg merchandise ready to cash in on The Mandalorian fame either. As the New York Post points out, there are at least 2,828 items listed on Etsy under the term “Baby Yoda,” all of which are not official products. And, in the lead up to Christmas, this comes as no surprise.
However, it appears that Disney has finally released details regarding the official merchandise for Baby Yoda. Unfortunately for fans, this merchandise will not be available until 2020, although, some are already available for pre-order.
Original concept art. #TheMandalorian
— Jon Favreau (@Jon_Favreau) November 19, 2019
While many fans are grumbling about the fact that there will be no Baby Yoda merchandise available until next year, there is apparently a reason for that. According to a recent interview by Entertainment Tonight , even though the show’s creators were hoping that the character would take off exactly as it did, the merchandise was not developed ahead of time in fear of potential leaks.
Not only would the leak of a new character such as Baby Yoda be considered a massive spoiler for Star Wars fans, but it could also, potentially, lead to plot leaks as a result. And, in this day and age, most networks are determined to keep all spoilers and leaks under control in order to surprise their fanbases.
For fans who want their products now, ahead of Christmas, this is little solace. However, in 2020, there will be several items available for purchase. A plush toy, which is already available for pre-order will hit stores in March. Funko Pop is also expected to release two items in the first quarter of 2020.