The Bachelor fans who have not been following spoilers since Peter Weber started filming his season in September will have a lot of catching up to do when the episodes start airing in January. Blogger Reality Steve has been breaking down all the action and contestant Victoria Fuller is said to be at the center of a fair amount of drama as Peter looks for love. Based on his latest tweets, she’s having quite the time of it post-filming, too.
Victoria is said to catch Peter’s eye early on this season, and The Bachelor spoilers suggest that there are definite sparks of chemistry between them. She will be around for quite awhile according to Reality Steve’s spoilers, but eventually, drama from her personal life spills over into filming.
Viewers will not see this all play out on screen for quite some time, but The Bachelor spoilers from Reality Steve have detailed that Peter will eventually hear from someone he trusts about unsavory parts of Victoria’s history. This is said to impact her journey on Peter’s season, and she wasted little time post-filming defending herself via her Instagram page.
Sunday night, Reality Steve shared a Victoria-related The Bachelor update via Twitter .
“(VICTORIA UPDATE): Was told that last night, Victoria was kicked out of a Virginia Beach bar. She ran into Merissa (the woman who warned Peter about Victoria on her hometown date) and called her a f*cking loser, then locked herself in the bathroom,” began Reality Steve.
“Merissa confirmed this, Victoria was asked to leave, then waited outside for Merissa & was told to leave the premises. Victoria’s side is that Merissa threatened 2 fight her & that’s why she locked herself in the bathroom. Merissa denied she threatened 2 fight her. Sooooo yeah,” added Reality Steve.
At this point, it doesn’t appear that either Victoria or Merissa have addressed any of this on their respective social media pages. Reality Steve had been in touch with Merissa directly during filming, and it sounds as if he connected with her directly about what allegedly went down Saturday night in Virginia Beach as well.
Between the earlier Instagram post that Victoria shared, claiming that the rumors about her were untrue, and this alleged incident at the bar, Reality Steve suggests she’s feeling quite anxious about what went down while filming Peter’s season of The Bachelor .
Spoilers from the blogger suggest that things will likely get much more difficult for Victoria before this is all behind her. The Bachelor fans will be anxious to see what more is on the way as Peter’s journey to find love airs on ABC this winter.