“Winter is coming” is the popular catchphrase from HBO ‘s epic fantasy series Game of Thrones . As a result of this, Digital Spy points out, when the network released a tweet simply stating these words on November 26, many fans suspected that some big news was about to drop regarding the series.
As fans will already know, winter had already arrived in Westeros in the final season of Game of Thrones , so the tweet was somewhat confusing. Some social media users even suggested that perhaps the network had finally decided to give in to fans’ harsh response to Season 8 and redo it.
As previously reported by The Inquisitr , fans and critics were particularly critical of the final season, which ran for only six episodes. Besides comments suggesting the entire season was much too rushed, there were also complaints that character development and resolution was entirely off in relation to development earlier in the series. This resulted in a petition on Change.org that has seen more than 1.8 million digital signatures to date.
After the tweet, fans eagerly gathered around HBO’s Twitter account and, eventually, further details emerged regarding the post. As it turned out, the news was not nearly as epic as some viewers were expecting. Instead of details of a redo of Season 8 or an announcement regarding the spinoff series, House of Dragons , the news was arguably much more mundane — the complete series was going to drop on Blu-ray.
News from Winterfell. Relive #GameofThrones with The Complete Series on Blu-ray™ and DVD on 12.3: https://t.co/M2iUvQrZRQ pic.twitter.com/uSDnG28rYF
— Game of Thrones (@GameOfThrones) November 26, 2019
The disappointment was evident as fans tweeted out their own responses to the news. Many were bitter at the conclusion to Game of Thrones and were quick to voice their displeasure regarding pre-ordering the final season or rewatching the entire series again.
“I will buy it if it includes an alternate ending where the Night King and the White Walkers actually matter and Jon Snow doesn’t become a spineless, mumbling fool,” one fan tweeted.
“We can already relive it on HBO. Why would I spend more money on something that ended so badly?” another fan tweeted.
However, not everyone was critical of the final season.
“Okay, I’m going to say it… GoT season 8 was not terrible, neither was season 7. Get over your preconceived notions of what the ending should have been like and stop expecting HBO to remake it,” one fan responded.
The eighth and final season of HBO’s Game of Thrones dropped earlier this year. As previously reported by The Inquisitr , the network is currently in production on a prequel series set in the same universe called House of the Dragon . As yet, no premiere date for this new series has been announced.