When Steve Greig, an accountant from Denver, Colorado, lost his beloved dog in an accident he was absolutely devastated. In an effort to do something kind in honor of his dog, Greig went to an animal shelter and adopted the oldest dog they had. He now has a passion for caring for senior dogs and other animals that might not otherwise have homes due to special needs, according to Today .
Greig’s home is far from ordinary. It is packed full with a wide variety of animals including nine senior dogs, four chickens, two ducks, one rabbit, a turkey, and a pig. All of these animals were adopted over time since his dog’s death in 2013. While many people tend to want to adopt puppies that don’t have any health problems, Greig purposefully gravitates towards the pets that would, under most circumstances, be considered “unwanted” or unlikely to get adopted. Taking care of these animals and giving them the medical treatment and love they need has proven to be incredibly rewarding for Greig.
“It’s just incredibly rewarding. These dogs get overlooked in shelters and they have so much light and love left in them. There’s just nothing better. Senior dogs are just so chill and fit so many people’s lifestyles. Each one has something different to give,” he said of his older pets.
Greig documents his pets’ lives on his Instagram page, which boasts slightly more than 900,000 followers. He uses the page to show the world that just because an animal is older or a little different doesn’t mean they should be cast aside. In fact, it is often these animals that can deliver a lot of love and joy.
In fact, many of his more unusual pets bring a lot of excitement to a lot of the children in his neighborhood. Greig allowed his turkey, Tofu, to roam about on Halloween, and trick-or-treaters could not get enough.
“I doubt that anyone had more fun on Halloween last week than Tofu the turkey. He loves people so having hundreds of them pour through the gates was a dream come true,” he wrote on his Instagram story.
Greig also devotes himself to providing his special needs animals with the medication necessary to recover. He has nursed many animals back to health this way. Recent studies have shown that a lifestyle change, such as the one that Greig gave to his special pets, can often make a huge difference in their physical health.
As The Inquisitr previously reported, studies have found that dogs, in particular, can take on more sociable and relaxed personalities when surrounded by love and attention.