‘The Bachelor’ Contestant Victoria Fuller Defends Herself On Instagram, Reality Steve Stands By His Reports

Peter Weber’s season of The Bachelor will not begin airing on ABC until January, but there is already plenty of drama about what’s on the way swirling online. Spoiler king Reality Steve has shared plenty of juicy tidbits about what happened during the filming and he has teased that a fair amount of drama is connected to contestant Victoria Fuller. While she is limited in what she can say at this point, Victoria is doing her best to defend herself via her Instagram page.

Warning! Spoilers for Peter’s season of The Bachelor ahead!

The Bachelor reportedly wrapped up filming for Peter’s season last weekend and the last three rumored contestants have now all returned to Instagram. Victoria is said to be one of those final three women, but so far, Reality Steve has not revealed specifics regarding where she finished and who he believes received Peter’s final rose.

Over the course of the past couple of months, Reality Steve’s The Bachelor spoilers have included a lot of stories about Victoria’s life. The blogger alleges that she has a rather jaw-dropping reputation in Virginia Beach where she lives.

In fact, Peter was supposedly made aware of some of the drama when an ex-girlfriend approached him to alert him to the Victoria stories while he was in Virginia Beach filming with her. Despite being caught off-guard by this, Peter gave Victoria a rose after that and The Bachelor spoilers indicate that she made it quite far into the season.


Until a day or two ago, Victoria’s Instagram page was still private. She has changed the settings to make her posts public again and she came back online with quite the post. She doesn’t actually reference The Bachelor or Reality Steve by name. However, anybody who has been following the spoilers can read between the lines in what she says.

Victoria starts by sharing a religious reference and thanking her family and friends for their support. She goes on to note that there have been a lot of rumors swirling about her and she claims they are all false. The Bachelor contestant also says that she will defend herself at the right time.

Within mere minutes, Reality Steve had shared Victoria’s Instagram post via his Twitter account and added some notes regarding his own thoughts and the intel he has gathered.

“Wrong course of action for her. Just admit your past transgressions and apologize for your behavior. I stand by my reporting and the women I directly contacted whose marriages were affected by Victoria’s behavior. Guess this will be an all season battle. Bring it,” Reality Steve initially tweeted.

A few minutes later, he shared another tweet that was specifically in response to Victoria’s claim that she is being bullied.

“One more thing: Very rich of Victoria to throw in her post about how bullying is bad when (SPOILER ALERT) she screamed and cursed down another woman in the house this season, essentially bullying her, for telling the truth. Like I said, this IG post is the total wrong approach,” Reality Steve detailed.

It sounds as if the next few months could be pretty rocky for Victoria when The Bachelor begins to air, as there is only so much she can say to defend herself after the episodes air. Some of the allegations that Reality Steve has detailed about her personal life do become part of the storyline later in Peter’s season and the network will likely hype all of this quite a bit.

Does Victoria end up with Peter’s final rose? It does seem to be a possibility according to Reality Steve’s spoilers. The Bachelor fans will be quite anxious to learn more and see how crazy this gets over the next few months and it sounds like it’s going to be a very wild ride.

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