Meghan Markle’s lawyers are revealing some new information about rumors that have surrounded the duchess’s relationship with her dad, Thomas Markle. According to court documents, the rumors about Meghan abandoning her dad before and after the royal wedding are supposedly untrue. Elle reported on the following excerpt.
“[Meghan] has a long history of looking after her father’s welfare… She did provide extensive financial support for him, as well as act as primary caregiver for her grandmother… her father did not telephone her to explain that he was not coming to her wedding…,” noted the lawyers.
If this version of events is true, then it’s news that Thomas supposedly didn’t tell his daughter that he would be absent on the big day. Previously, it’s been generally understood that her dad reached out to his daughter, and never heard back from her. He also maintained that all of his attempts to communicate were in vain, which was later questioned when the letter from Meghan was printed in the news.
“[Meghan’s] team in Los Angeles did provide him with continued support for which he had expressed gratitude… she had reached out to him prior to the wedding and sought to protect him, as well as to ensure that he would be able to come to the wedding… she did not ignore him afterwards,” added the lawyers.
Only time will tell whether any evidence will be presented to refute Meghan’s lawyers’ claims. In the meantime, the only thing that’s for sure is that Thomas was very vocal about supposedly being “ghosted” by Meghan. And he repeatedly placed himself in the spotlight, which many believed was extremely counterproductive to repairing his relationship with his daughter.
These court documents are part of Meghan’s court case against Mail on Sunday’s publishers. The lawsuit was triggered after the media published the private letter that she exchanged with her father. And apparently, the letter that was published was merely an excerpt, not the letter in its entirety, as many were led to believe.
In early October, Thomas Markle explained why he released the private letter, as previously reported by The Inquisitr . Markle said that he only gave the letter to the media because he felt that Meghan’s friends misrepresented it during a prior article in People Magazine . But in his effort to set the record straight, it looks like he triggered an even bigger problem.
For now, it seems unlikely that the pair will be able to reconcile in the near future.