Joy-Anna Duggar took to Instagram to show off her new hairstyle on Wednesday, and her followers couldn’t stop gushing about how great she looks. One fan of her big hair change was her older sister Jinger, who also received rave reviews when she decided to experiment with a new look.
Like her sisters, Joy-Anna Duggar, 22, has always kept her hair long. However, in her most recent social media snapshot, she has dramatically shortened a portion of her tresses. The Counting On star is sporting bangs, which Duggar fans are used to seeing on her mother, Michelle. However, Joy-Anna and her sisters have mostly avoided the face-framing fringe.
Joy-Anna’s bangs are quite different from her mother’s. They’re textured and appear to be razor-cut, and the Duggar daughter is wearing her fringe flat against her forehead instead of curled like Michelle does. Her bangs have also been separated into pieces, and they gradually become longer on the sides.
While most of Joy-Anna’s followers responded to her photo by commenting on her hair, she kept the caption of her Instagram post focused on her husband, 25-year-old Austin Forsyth. He’s pictured with his wife, and he’s sporting a scraggly beard. Joy-Anna describes him as her “mountain Man,” and she uses a hashtag to reveal that he’s taking part in No-Shave November by letting his facial hair grow out.
Jinger Duggar, 25, responded to Joy-Anna’s photo by letting her know that she adores her new hairdo.
“Love the bangs, Joy joy!” Jinger wrote.
The older Duggar daughter also used images to express her feelings about her sister’s big change, tacking on a heart-eyes emoji and a raised hands emoji at the end of her comment.
Joy-Anna responded to Jinger’s praise by confessing that she’s having a difficult time adjusting to her new look.
“Thanks! Still getting used to them!” Joy-Anna wrote.
Jinger Duggar has some experience with adjusting to a drastically different hairstyle. As previously reported by The Inquisitr , she decided to dye her hair blond this summer shortly before she moved to California. Many fans were thrilled that she did something so daring.
Some of Joy-Anna’s followers thought that she had followed in Jinger’s footsteps by dying her hair as well, but the Counting On star revealed that she didn’t change the color at all.
“No, I’ve actually ever [sic] dyed/highlighted my hair! It’s probably the lighting!” she wrote.
While Joy-Anna still might be a bit unsure about her bangs, most of her followers are already big fans of her fringe. They described her hair as “pretty,” “gorgeous,” “stunning,” and “beautiful,” just to name a few of the positive adjectives that were used. Some fans also encouraged her to keep her edgy fringe, and Jinger wasn’t the only family member who weighed in with an enthusiastic opinion of her new hairdo.
“I second this. The bangs look AMAZING!” wrote her older sister, Jessa, 27.
“The bangs look great Joy,” remarked her sister-in-law, Anna, 31. “You are so beautiful inside and out!”