SPOILER ALERT: This article discusses AMC’s The Walking Dead . Please proceed with caution if you wish to avoid spoilers.
It seemed like Maggie Rhee ( Lauren Cohan ) left quite abruptly in Season 9 of AMC’s The Walking Dead . After a six-year time jump, it was revealed that Maggie had left Hilltop with her son, Hershel Rhee, and was now with Georgie’s (Jayne Atkinson) group. Even though Lauren Cohan had left The Walking Dead for another TV series, her character’s story was kept open and viewers have been hoping for her return ever since.
As previously reported by The Inquisitr , Cohan had joined ABC’s Whiskey Cavelier but when the show was canceled after only one season, the opportunity arose for her to return to The Walking Dead once more. At the New York Comic-Con recently, the announcement was finally made that Cohan will be returning to the hit zombie apocalypse series.
It was expected that she would be made a series regular in Season 11. However, it appears that Maggie might appear in some capacity a little earlier than that, according to The Walking Dead ‘s showrunner, Angela Kang.
“We may see her at some other point this season,” Kang told Entertainment Weekly . “But I don’t want to say too much about anything.”
Prior to Kang’s statement, rumors had been circulating that Maggie would appear in the current season of The Walking Dead . While Kang does not explicitly say that Maggie will return in Season 10, the possibility of her return is exciting news for fans.
As to how Maggie will return remains to be seen. Already, viewers know that she is with Georgie’s group and learning new things. However, Kang did offer some teasers regarding the character’s upcoming storyline.
“The idea that Maggie’s kind of out there in the world up to things and that they’re thinking about her has been seeded in for a while. So she’s definitely on our characters’ minds as they’re dealing with all this stuff going on and realizing that some of the people that are really capable and wonderful that they love are just out there and inaccessible to them at the moment.”
Of course, when Maggie will return still remains to be seen and viewers will just have to tune in to further episodes of The Walking Dead in order to find out more.
Season 10 of The Walking Dead returns to AMC on Sunday, November 3, with Episode 5, titled “What It Always Is.”