In a large field of Democratic candidates for the 2020 presidential election , Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan struggled to boost his name recognition and failed to gain any traction in the vast majority of national and state polls.
On Thursday morning in a YouTube video to his supporters, Ryan officially announced that he’s withdrawing from the race and will instead focus on his re-election run for his House seat, according to CNN .
“I am announcing today that I am withdrawing from the presidential campaign,” Ryan explained to his supporters in the video. “After seven long months of hard work I will be returning home to my family and friends and community in Ohio to run for reelection for my congressional seat.”
Ryan ran on the hopes that his Midwestern values would resonate with a lot of the same working-class Americans who largely supported President Donald Trump, even though his policy ideas were mostly progressive in nature. The Ohio lawmaker made the claim that he’s a “progressive who knows how to talk to working class people” and aimed to convince those same people that “the progressive agenda is what is best for working families.”
Among many of his struggles, which would have further quashed any real hope of making progress in his presidential bid, was his lack of ability to raise funds, which also knocked him out of both the September and October Democratic primary debates — both of which were crucial for low-polling candidates to make a stand before the top-tier candidates steal a majority of the spotlight until November 2020.
In the second quarter, Ryan only managed to raise $889,000, which was shockingly lower than many other low-polling candidates with less name recognition — such as tech entrepreneur Andrew Yang. Third quarter fundraising was even lower, with Ryan only raising $425,000. In total, the lawmaker only managed to bring in $1.3 million for the duration of his presidential run.
Ryan has served in the House since 2003 and even made a name for himself after challenging House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s leadership role, but those efforts would eventually fail and Ryan submitted to backing Pelosi after Democrats took control of the House in 2018.
Rep. Tim Ryan, from my home state of Ohio, has ended his presidential campaign, but not before I could get this cool image of him in the spin room at the Dem debates in Miami.
— Leah Voss Peralta ? (@LeahVossVisuals) October 24, 2019
He also made headlines earlier this year on the heels of several deadly mass shootings, calling out Republicans for their lack of taking action on advancing House-passed background check issues, as previously reported by The Inquisitr .
“We passed in the House of Representatives a few weeks back, background checks. A basic step that 90 percent of the American people support, and the Republicans need to, quite frankly, get their sh*t together and stop pandering to the NRA, because people are getting killed,” Ryan said in August.
According to NBC News , Ryan’s campaign said that the candidate wouldn’t publicly back any of the remaining Democratic candidates at this time.