AMC is set to release a third Walking Dead series next year, according to Digital Spy . Set approximately 10 years after the initial outbreak, it will fall into a similar timeframe to AMC’s The Walking Dead . However, this new series will follow a very different community than those seen previously in AMC’s original series, as well as its companion series, Fear the Walking Dead . As a result of this, AMC’s chief content adviser for The Walking Dead , Scott Gimple, believes that the new series will appear as if it is set within a whole new mythology.
“The show has, in some ways, a different mythology set in the world,” Gimple originally told The Hollywood Reporter .
This could indicate that the rules within the world of The Walking Dead have changed in this upcoming series. However, Gimple does point out that it has more to do with the environment in which these characters are living and not the general rules of the zombie apocalypse previously set out in The Walking Dead and Fear the Walking Dead .
“It is still set in the same world, but the things that they’re tied up in are very different than the things that the other shows have featured and the lives that we’ve seen these other characters lead.”
This will result in a very different feel for the spinoff series compared to other series set within the Walking Dead universe.
Along with this, a younger generation will be featured. These characters have lived most of their lives away from the zombie apocalypse and, as a result, are likely to be less capable of dealing with the problems inherent outside their safe walls. This means that it is likely that viewers will see a very different version of the zombie apocalypse thanks to the initial long-established settled environment in the upcoming spinoff series.
As previously reported by The Inquisitr , the latest trailer released for the still-unnamed Walking Dead spinoff series has revealed the reason why the group of characters would leave the safety of their community. Initially set in a sheltered community, some members will decide to escape their safe location after they suspect one of their leaders is in trouble.
You can view the new clip for the upcoming Walking Dead spinoff series below.
Until the latest spinoff series drops in 2020, viewers can tune in to Season 10 of The Walking Dead , which is currently airing every Sunday night on AMC.