Donald Trump took to social media on Tuesday to attack the Democrat-led impeachment probe sparked by his calls to Ukraine to investigate Democratic rival, Joe Biden. According to Trump, the inquiry is comparable to a “lynching” — a choice of words that drew criticism from many , including top ally Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.
Another Trump ally, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who defended Trump’s controversial phone call with Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelensky, also spoke critically of Trump’s choice of words during a Tuesday press conference, per Breitbart .
“That’s not the language I would use,” McCarthy said.
Afterward, McCarthy launched into an attack on the impeachment probe, which he believes “does not have due process.”
“It’s not fair in the process. It’s not something that this House has done ever in the past. Think about it for a moment, a Democrat-controlled House, a speaker, set forth a process in dealing with President Nixon. A Republican speaker set forth a fair process dealing with President Clinton.”
McCarthy highlights that the rules in the House Intelligence Committee, chaired by Adam Schiff, have changed so that nobody can read the transcripts of Trump’s call unless the “big hand of the majority party,” Nancy Pelosi, is there as a witness.
“Never has anyone been treated that way. … In President Clinton’s case, his attorneys were there to — able to cross-examine. They were able to put a witness list together,” he said, adding that in Clinton’s case, both sides had subpoena power, which is not true in the current probe.
CNN Poll: Nancy Pelosi hits her highest favorable rating since 2007 at 44-46 as the impeachment inquiry heats up… another bad sign for Trump as he seeks to discredit the impeachment process.
Trump’s favorable rating is much worse at 42-56.
— Your Friendly Neighborhood Numbersmuncher (@NumbersMuncher) October 22, 2019
McCarthy’s criticism of the impeachment probe echoes attorney and columnist Andrew C. McCarthy, who suggested that the inquiry is not legitimate and instead more akin to a political soap opera . According to C. McCarthy, the “frenetic activity” of several of the standing committees, such as Intelligence, Foreign Affairs, and Judiciary, are simply conducting their affairs in ways that give them the appearance that they are heading a serious impeachment probe.
He claims that the current process is being pursued to avoid defending a legitimate impeachment in court, suggesting that Democrats would be taking their time and giving the matter careful examination if they had a real case.
As The Inquisitr reported, a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS reports approximately 50 percent of Americans support Donald Trump being impeached by the House of Representatives and removed from office by the Senate. Conversely, 43 percent say they are opposed to impeachment, and seven percent don’t have an opinion on the matter.